Who said Taipei couldn't be English. Here we are in Taipei, and we still manage to have some pub food and a few pints after work! Of course, we had another agenda that night, but that's not the focus of this article. I've been here quite a few times, but had not had the chance to really try the food here. Because I came up with the plan to get together, everyone indulged me by letting me plan the entire night. The group of us, my colleagues and I, always seemed to have oriental cuisine. This might be the first gathering where we had western food instead. Everyone was rather confused by all the English on the menu, despite the fact that there was actually Chinese translations... So, boldly, they let me order all the food! However, the food was not the main point, cider was.
This is not just cider! It's called 'snakebite' - half cider, half lager. More dangerous than cider on its own!
Because of the dim lighting in the pub, it was really difficult to get a nice shot... Then I thought of something my dear brother had taught me - use the light app on the phone as lighting!
雞肉口袋餅 Chicken pita and chips
It was quite good, but because the five of us were sharing, the pita wasn't exactly easy to cut into portions...
炸魚&薯條 Fish and chips
道不道地呀,其實味道還不錯。如果你是要跟英國街上的take-away比,味道當然有差(這個比較好吃)因為天仙喜歡炸魚要淋檸檬,而take away的都沒有!所以囉!看你喜歡哪種囉!我覺得他的裹粉應該有加香料,蠻好吃的。
Authentic or not? Well, I liked it. If you compare it to the take-aways, there's still a bit of a difference (this is better). This is because I like my fish with lemon. And take-aways don't give you lemon. I guess it's personal preference. I think there's some spice in the batter. Tasted quite delicious.
Chicken burito 墨西哥捲餅(雞肉)
This was very nice. The salsa was very nice as well.
英式香腸薯泥 Bangers and mash
香腸的味道,我當然是沒吃啦(雖然只要遇到英國菜我就會有雙重標準 - 可能會破例地吃豬肉)不過我倒是有吃它底下的薯泥!實在太好吃啦!!那一坨的一大部分好像都是我吃掉的哩!
I didn't try the Lincolnshire sausages, despite my double standard towards English foods, although I did try the mash with gravy. It was absolutely delicious! I think I might have finished most of that blob!
What do you think!? Look at the plates! I guess my colleagues were happy with what I had ordered for them! Or else they were just extremely hungry. Also, don't you think the idea of using the flashlight app on the phone as lighting is such a brilliant idea!? All pictures of the dishes were taken using this method!
And alas! The meal ends with empty glasses of cider, lager, and a cocktail. But the night is still young...
巧妙的取景 Great timing...
天仙念:至於續攤後去做了啥... 嘿嘿!天機不可洩漏!哈哈哈~~~