這是開箱文,同時也是試用文。很開心又有廠商願意找天仙試用。不知道各位有沒有發現,基於前些日子公事私事皆繁忙,因此部落格就被我冷落了。等我稍微有空了,卻又不知道該如何再次動手寫文(沒動力)。就在我自己懷疑是不是也到了我要來放棄寫部落格的時候,兩件事情發生了:1.我的文章被選中上專欄 2. 廠商找我來試用產品。不過上了專欄之後,貼了一篇文又讓這裡再度成了蜘蛛的家(長蜘蛛網)。直到這一兩個禮拜才又有勁兒寫文(因為一定要貼試用文交差啊哈哈)
This is an article about a try-out of a product. I must say this came at a perfect timing! A few months back, I was so preoccupied with business and personal matters, I rarely posted any articles! Then I got more free time, but I found it really difficult to start writing again! Just when I was about to consider giving up blogging... two things happened: 1. Pixnet chose my article to be shown in the front page. 2. I got asked to try-out this new product. After the former, I posted no more than one article! Lame! But this time, I think I have finally picked up my pace!
This product is quite special! I know it's a 'lamp', but I also know that after seeing this, you'll either want to get one, or wish they had picked you to write this try-out article!
Outer package.
What it looked like when the package arrived. Why bother including this? You'll see....
Even Xiaohu got curious!
Careful package protects the product box. It's still good as new when you open it!
Everyone knows who he is!
Designed to protect your eyes!
Tells you the features of this lamp.
Let's put the pieces together!
Looks great even before unpacking!
I rather like the design!
Designed to secure the lamp to the stand!
Another way to set up the lamp to save space on your desk!
觸控式開關 - 短時間觸控可控制亮度,長時間觸控則是開關~
Touch-control - quick touch for strength, long touch for on/off.
And now, let's try and see the difference between my old lamp and this new lamp. I know it may not be accurate using a camera to compare (better to see it with your own eyes), but I guess I play it fair by not adjusting the white balance!
舊檯燈~ Old lamp
新檯燈~ New lamp!
What a difference! No wonder I have been reading so much less than before!
舊檯燈 Old lamp
New lamp 新檯燈~
Although the angles are slightly different, you can still tell the drastic difference!
The thing about lamps is that the stands always take up a lot of space. But this design allows you to stack things on it, so it doesn't feel like space has been taken away! Also, another thing to worry about is the arm... these kind of designs make people wonder how long the lamp will last before the arm breaks. Obviously I can't tell you now. I just got it! We'll have to put it through the test of time. But it sure feels tough! I'm confident it'll last!
And lastly, but not least:
Someone else is more excited than me about this product! During the short time I spent setting up the light, Xiaohu had already claimed the box as his new toy!
Xiaohu: Oh, my new toy, I love you!!
This is why I had to show the picture of the outer protection package!