

The first time I made customized postcards was in 2010. I was quite happy with the result, so also allowed friends to purchase their own sets to keep. Although only some friends bought the postcards, each and every set sold was a big encouragement to me. That year, the main theme included scenes in the UK and around Taiwan. The ones of Taiwan were made to send to friend abroad. The ones with London Paddy in the UK were made for people who think he's cute. I also made a unique set for the lovely couple that took me in while I was there in the UK. Last year, I missed the timing for making these cards. I think I may have intentionally missed it, as I didn't have any nice photos with which I could make them. This year, I saw an offer on Facebook, so I took it, and decided to try it out with another company. In addition, this year, I had the opportunity of playing around with the 50D of a friend of mine's. I thought the result would turn out even better! 

倫敦熊與點點印成品包裝。手機APP pudding camera拍攝。
London Paddy and postcards by Tintint before opening the package. Photo by mobile, pudding camera App.



The publisher I'm working with this time charges a bit more than the last one, so I didn't have too much spare budget to print out more copies than I need. I only printed enough to send out, and added an extra set for myself to keep. But what's with the massive box? Don't tell me they're giant postcards! 

Of course not! They are calendars! I tried the function on their online editing interface, and really liked what I saw! So I decided to also make some calendars this time! 


收到以後整個開心! 因為天仙一次定做了三份(一份給老媽,另一份要給老姊),所以其實當初很怕品質會不理想。但單做一本事後再補又很不划算。只好賭下去!還好!桌曆的品質還不錯!底座很扎實。而且放在辦公桌上,看了就開心!

When I got the calendar, I was really glad I decided to make it! I made three altogether; one for me, and one each for my sis and me ma. Initially I was quite scared that the quality might not be as good as it seemed. But it was not a very good deal to just make one, then make two others after. I'm glad I took my chances. It turned out great! Looks perfect on my office desk!



And now, postcards. I didn't make them all London Paddy postcards. This was not because the photos sucked. But rather because there were some seniors on my mailing list, and I thought they would enjoy scenery cards a lot more. Last time, the postcards looked like photos, because I chose not to leave any white margins. This time, I decided to make a white boarder around it. With its different paper material, and better quality photos, I think these definitely look better than my previous ones! 



I tend to write too much on these, that explains the plain design on the back.



This is what it looked like when I opened the calendar. How can you not smile back when London Paddy is smiling right at you like that?



I think Tintint did a great job, even with the packaging.



In terms of the pages, you can actually customize it so it has all of your own special days on it. Originally, I thought it would be better to get all my family members' birthdays on it. But it looked a bit funny when I tried putting one on. Then I decided 'less is more'!



There's an empty lined page on the back, but I don't think I want to write anything on it!



You can see all 12 photos used in the calendar at once on the front cover page.



Don't you feel like making your set of postcards, now?



天仙念:【親朋好友限定】如果有朋友們想要這份明信片,可以私下跟我聯絡(Facebook, Line, 簡訊, 或電話都可)。點點印是有開放可以讓作者以外的人下單,不過我希望知道是哪些人想要。而且我有折價券。人數多的話由我統一訂購然後再約時間面交,會比較划算。


    創作者 天仙 (Celeste) 的頭像
    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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