One of my favorite ways to spend the weekend, or any free time I have at hand is to walk into a book store with a marvelous collection of English books and see what treasure there is waiting for me to uncover. However, it has become harder and harder to find what I define as 'treasure'. I suppose this has very much to do with my growing appetite for reading, and hopefully my growing maturity in the habit as well. A good book is not easy to find. A great book is even harder. Yet they exist. And to prove that to you, I now present to you the five books that have completely changed my life.
1. The Speed Reading Book by Tony Buzan
2. Yoga for you by Indra Devi
3. Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
4. Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar
5. The Law of Attraction by Jerry and Esther Hicks
Two of these books came to me through the introduction of one of my best and most trusted friend, Jason. Therefore, not only do I have to show my appreciation to these wonderful authors, I have also Jason to thank.
1. The Speed Reading Book
For any of us who wouldn't mind learning a few useful techniques to improve our reading habits and increase the speed of our reading, this is the perfect book. Not only is it a good reference book, but it also contains actual practice exercises. Therefore, it is not just a book that preaches about what you need to do in order to be a better reader, but it provides reading exerpts that you can actually use to train yourself to become a better reader.
Now, you'll notice that I've used the word 'better', instead of 'faster'. The reason for that is because by using this book as a tool, we're not looking at just increasing the speed of our word-per-minute, but we're also looking at an improvement in comprehension as well.
I've become acquainted with Buzan's mind-mapping techniques a little before this book and had been using mind-maps to organize my reading notes before I began perusing this one. Therefore, it is in some ways easier for me to grasp the idea and the techniques introduced in the book. I devoured this book before my IELTS test. I had always been a faster reader, so speed had never been a problem for me. Well, in fact, speed WAS the actual problem. But after drilling, and using the techniques introduced in the book, I was able to increase an immense amount of comprehension level without compromising the speed. So I used the techniques while I did the IELTS practice tests and on the actual test. Trust me, I was extremely satisfied with that aspect of the exam.
一開始接觸Buzan的書籍是從Jason書架上拿下來的一堆關腦部以及思考的一些書。再閱讀本書之前就開始使用他研發的mindmap系統整理閱讀筆記。[mindmap=心智圖] 所以在使用這本書的時候,可以說是已經半熟悉Buzan所介紹的各種方式。
2. Yoga for You
And now something a little more physical and spiritual. I've had so much fun with yoga ever since I walked into my first yoga class. The joy and satisfaction that yoga has brought into my life is extremely sublime.
Before this book, most of my yoga books mainly consisted of pictorials that explained in detail what each yoga pose should look like and how they should be done. Perhaps I was not ready for something spiritual. Fortunately, Indra Devi's book offered a great introduction to the life-style aspect of yoga and many pleasant reading sessions.
It was during the perusing of this book that Jason first suggested a one-week vegetarian trial. Without the book, I don't believe the experience would have been as successful as it had been.
It was also this book that enhanced the idea of positivity and gratitude toward every day life. Being thankful to everything and everyone around you and always remind yourself to think in a more positive way. Not only is this useful in yogic practices, but also our emotional and mental wellbeing.
3. Fast Food Nation
Just like any other average teenager, I used to salivate just thinking about a juicy KFC fried chicken or a Mac cheeseburger. As I grew older, I moved slowly away from that. But I had never really completely lost my appetite over a delicious fresh-fried chicken drumstick. Oh, it must be drumstick, or my meal would be ruined.
The reading of this book commenced right after Jason and I began our one-week vegediet trial. After that first week, I ate meat for about a week. But I no longer craved for steak, beef noodles, or even my favorite - chicken. Sure it smells great. I still think that whenever I walk pass a fried chicken stand. Yet I have lost my desire for meat.
What the book had done for me, was it reinforced my desire to eat more healthy food. Although the book was intended only to allow its readers to become aware of what they are actually putting into their mouths, what it had done for me was way more dramatic than that.
If I catch a kid overjoyed, jumping up and down with excitement over a Happy Meal, I frown. I can't walk pass a Mac without holding my breath. I intentively arrange my lesson plans to avoid talking about any kind of fast food. I've even quit drinking soda pops believing that beer is a lot healthier than they are.
Whenever I consider my successful transformation into a vegetarian, I can't help but give a little credit to this book.
4. Light on Life
Now, whenever you hear the phrase 'yoga master', who do you think of? If it's not Iyengar on your mind, then you're missing out on something great.
When I was at the bookstore, I came accross two of Iyengar's books - Light on Yoga and Light on Life. What lead me into thinking that Light on Life would be more helpful for my yogic path was that this book is a perfect sequal to Yoga for You.
The reading itself is not difficult. However the ideas that the master has to offer may be elusive to beginners. It is a book I would definitely name as one of my top five favorite books.
The reason for that would be because the book doesn't just offer tips on how to improve your yoga sessions, or how to become a master like himself. In fact, the humble master doesn't even consider himself qualified enough to be a master. That, my friends, is what made all the difference. Let the master tell you his own stories, and learn how to better your life through his philosphy. One of the things I found most helpful, especially as a teacher, was to show your anger, but don't get frustrated with yourself. It is important that we learn whatever we can and apply what we learn from these meaningful writings because it is only through this way that life becomes better for us, and consequently for all those around us.
講到瑜珈大師,如果你第一個念頭想到的不是B.K.S. Iyengar,那你可能要重新做一下功課喔!因為如果你不認識這位大師,你的瑜珈路程可能會少了些東西。
整本書的用語其實並不難。但是想要傳遞的觀念也許對初學者來說可能會有點難理解。大師出了兩本書。一本是Light on Yoga,另一本則是我購買的這本Light on Life。當初會選擇這本的原因是因為覺得它是比Yoga for You 更晉級的一本書。Indra Devi介紹的一些理念其實都是很基本,日常生活都可能會運用的到的理念。但Iyengar書中所提到的一些觀念,很多與我們道家思想不謀為合。無論是在瑜珈修行上,或是日常生活中都可以運用的到的。
5. The Law of Attraction: The Basic Teachings of Abraham
My acceptance of the Law wouldn't have been as profound without my yogic experience. In yoga, where they teach you to remain a positive attitude toward life, we experience a miracle after the next. I believe those that find these teachings most helpful are almost always the ones that are most in need of them. Yoga for me, for instance, was dramatic. There were so many problems with my physical body that it was painful and difficult at first. But I remained hopeful and endured the first few sessions. Then I witnessed and experienced the miracles myself.
The Law was the same. If you are in despair and let yourself remain in despair, nothing and no one can help you. You are the only one in this world that is capable of helping yourself and changing everything that surrounds you. The book will help you understand why your life had been the way it had been, and allow you to change that into anyway you wish it to be. It wouldn't be easy for me to discuss this without going into to much detail, but rest assure, sorry would be the last thing you'd be feeling after giving the book a chance to be on your bookshelf and into your life.
This is the only book you'll ever need to better your life. But in oder to apply the law, you need to first understand how it works. Then, not only will your attitude toward life change drastically, but you'll find surprise after surprise.
如果沒有瑜珈的基本理念墊底,我想我對the Law的接受度也許不會這麼高。我一直都是屬於比較悲觀的個性。凡是都會做最壞的打算。然後當事情不對勁的時候,才想說:吼!好加在我有做最壞的打算!不然就完了。
了解了the Law之後,才知道這跟本事多此一舉。這本書可以讓你了解為什麼你身邊的事物是你所看到或接觸到的樣子。當你了解之後,你才能夠運用他漸漸的將你的生命改變成你想要的。
So, my friends, these are the five books that have completely turned my life insideout, but in the most spectacular way. Ever wonder why I'm alway so happy? Ever wonder why I express very little virulent ideas on my blog? Well, if your curious, you might want to try these books yourself. Trust me, this curiosity won't kill the cat!
原文版 (amazon):
1. The Speed Reading Book
2. Yoga for You
3. Fast Food Nation
4. Light on Life
5. The Law of Attraction: The Basic Teachings of Abraham
中文版 or 國內網路書店 (博客來)
1. 全腦式速讀 The Speed Reading Book 中文版
2. Fast Food Nation
速食共和國-速食的黑暗面 Fast Food Nation 中文版
3. Yoga on Life 無中文版
4. The Law of Attraction: The Basic Teachings of Abraham無中文版
天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
- Jun 12 Tue 2007 13:35
[Books] 五本改變生命的書 Five Books that Can Change Your Life