This article was meant to be posted after I've shared Chester City Walls. However, the timing works out well, since as I publish this article, I am actually at the race course, watching a horse race!
When my friend told me about the plan, I was put in a difficult situation. I knew that this was a chance of a lifetime. If I miss this chance, I will probably never get the chance to see a horse race ever again. However, the ticket was so expensive, and on top of that, I've already had enough pressure from course work, that I wasn't sure I could indulge myself with this luxury. Later, when I was informed that the plan had changed from going on a Friday to a Saturday, and the price of the ticket would be considerably cheaper, I decided to take the risk of becoming bankrupt and embrace the opportunity.
When we were on the city walls, we realised only then, how enormous a race course was. It must have taken us about 10 minutes to walk from one end to the other. I thought to myself, while we were there, 'If I could only come and see a horse race, just once, wouldn't that be nice?' Once more, the law of attraction surprises me with its miraculous effect. I can't believe it's actually happened!
I can't guarantee the quality of the photos taken at the horse race. I will be there with two blokes, and no ladies who generally enjoy taking photos a lot more. However, I will try my best and bring back some photos to show you what it's like to be there.
天仙念:今天是Grand National。平常不賭馬的都會在這天下注,玩它個一兩把。原本預計禮拜五[04/03]要去的這天是Lady's Day。聽說這天女士們都要穿的非常正式。男生本來就會被要求要全套西裝。也難怪禮拜五的門票會比較貴。不過選在今天去,不用為了服裝傷腦筋,門票也省了一大半。簡直就是一舉兩得。