We had very little plans for our time in Chester. Basically, all we had planned to see was the Cathedral and the City Walls. It was nice to stroll around a new city without a plan sometimes. It was even nicer to have a long lost friend by your side. It was amazing how much we still have in common, even after all these years. We walked by the church, and decided to take a look inside almost simultaneously! If you look at the church from the outside, each one looks pretty similar to one another. Well, at least, some them may not look special from the outside, but it is usually the interior that is the most breathtaking!
The history of the church dates back to the 15th century. However, most of it was destroyed, and restoration began only in the 19th century. The year of its completion is 1886, and its main material is sandstone. The church contains many effigies, though partly destroyed. It also houses the organ that was used during Queen Victoria's Coronation in 1838.
The exterior of the church. Roof of the entrance to the church.
Interior of the church, and stained glass windows.
Every panel tells a different story.
Only the lack of light indoors can bring out the true beauty of stained glass windows.
Apparently, the organ that was used during the coronation of Queen Victoria.
The altar, and painting of the Last Supper.
Effigy of a priest.
Interior of the church.
Back of the church.