這是我去曼城的Visitor Centre看到一本專門介紹Stratford-upon-Avon的旅遊雜誌中所看到的B&B。雜誌中只有大概的價格,設備,以及地址。實際的圖片是到了他們的網站上才看到的。其實當初會選擇這家的原因,是因為在安排過程中以電話詢問其他兩間B&B卻只聽到已無空房的消息。後來到這個網站上看到可以直接在網路上訂房,也可以在網路上看到哪幾天還有幾間空房,就直接以上面還有空房的日期來決定我們改期的日子。所以原本決定在七月二十四日出發,才會因此延後到八月三日。
之前有說過,安排這次行程的確花了不少時間。不過,我覺得這一切都很值得。主要的原因,是因為這間B&B的老闆 - Pascal,實在是太盡責了。我們先來瞧瞧房間內部,再來細談這位Pascal到底有多盡責。
I found this B&B in a magazine on Stratford at the Visitor Centre in Manchester. The magazine only told us the relative price range, the facilities, and the address. We only saw the actual picture of the B&B when we logged on to their webpage. At first, we tried to phone other accommodations, but only to find that they were fully booked. To save us from further trouble, we chose to arrange our trip around the availability of rooms in this B&B, because that information is readily available online. This is the main reason why we moved our original plan of departing on the 24th of July, to the 3rd of August.
I've mentioned before, how much hassle we'd had to go through to arrange this trip. In the end, I think it was well worth the trifle. The main reason is the owner of this B&B - Pascal. Let's see what the room looks like before I go into more detail.
Due to the prolonged torment of having to sleep in a small bed, I begged my mate to let me have this bigger one.
While she slept in this smaller bed.
Once we were ready to put forth our day one itinerary, Pascal was already waiting for us by the staircase. He grabbed a map of the town and elaborately showed us the various sites of interest, plus a detailed introduction to all the nice places to dine. We didn't have the heart to tell him that we did not anticipate on spending a single penny on food. The most significant information he let us in on, however, was that if we were to go see a play that night, there was this particular pub that we should go to after the play, in order to meet the members of the cast! This was enough to make us love that lovely old chap.
The next morning, after we got ready and went to the breakfast room, there was already a big crowd of people waiting for their breakfasts to be served. The breakfast was nothing special. It was just the usual English breakfast with milk and cereal. However, because of Pascal's excellent service, it made the meal more pleasant than it seemed. During breakfast, I met a Taiwanese couple who was also there for a visit. Watching them struggling to communicate with Pascal and the English couple sitting with them, I couldn't help but admire their courage to travel this far on their own.
早餐結束之前,我和我同學還鬧了一場小插曲。個性開朗樂觀的法籍Pascal,不知道為何突然問我們兩個女生最喜歡的藝人是誰。我見我同學遲遲未有回應,就勉強說出了Christian Bale。結果沒想到造成了大轟動!不過他們當中卻沒有一個人知道他是誰捏!真是有點詭異。不過我印象最深刻的就是與我們供桌的一對英國夫妻對於Christian Bale是威爾斯人很不屑的反應。真是有趣。
Before breakfast was over, my friend and I caused a scene in the dining room. The French chap, Pascal, asked us all of a sudden who our favourite celebrity was. Seeing my friend's hesitation in responding, I replied 'Christian Bale', mainly just to be polite. However, the uproar in the room was hardly what I would ever anticipate. What was even more interesting, was the fact that none of them had ever heard of him! I clearly recall the indifference the English couple showed when I told them that Bale was Welsh.
Finally, after breakfast, we went back up to our room to finish up packing. We originally planned to take our knapsack with us the whole way through. Pascal generously offered an area for us to place them, and told us we could come back for them before we leave. Well, we didn't listen. Not even half the day had passed, and my friend, who was 5 whole years younger than I was, couldn't tolerate it any longer. So we went back, left our knapsacks there, then returned only shortly before we were due at the train station.
Before we left, I promised Pascal that I would tell all my friends about this place. Great service, wonderful owner, comfy environment, and clean rooms. What more can you ask for?
Salamander Guest House