Liverpool FC Anfield 球場
雖然已經來看過兩次球賽了,但是來參加Stadium Tour是我跟好友早在去年的時候就說好要找機會一起來的。後來因為大家各忙各的,也因為已經都來這兒看過球賽了,就漸漸的將此事淡忘。不過因為隨著我們在英國的時間進入了倒數階段,我們又開始計畫早早就說好要一起做的一些事情。當然,對於同樣是利物浦的球迷的我們而言,沒有什麼比來好好參觀Anfield球場,深度的了解Anfield以及球隊歷史還要更重要啦。
My friend and I had already been to Anfield a couple of times, but we'd wanted to do this tour since last year. After a while, we both got busy with God knows what, and because we'd already been to Anfield to watch some games, we'd forgotten about doing this tour for a while. But because our time in Liverpool is running out, we thought we should put forth a plan to do this stadium tour before it's too late. There is nothing more important to us, being both Liverpool FC supporters, than getting to know more about the stadium and the club itself.
Hillsborough Memorial Mosaic
This is the changing room.
We both thought it was smaller than we had imagined it would be. But could it be that the limited space was designed so that the players could cultivate a stronger team spirit?
These are not new jerseys. Reina wore this! They all wore the jerseys you see in the pictures.
Wondering where Torres's No. 9 jersey is?
How could you possibly think I could forget it!?
『老公,你的衣服好香啊~~』『那是乾淨的吧... 囧』
I'm not going to translate that.......... ↗
This is where they interview the players before and after the games. I accidentally blurred our guide's face, so I had to replace it with another.
Opportunity of a life time!
後面那個板子是可以調整的。由於不同的賽事贊助的廠商,轉撥的電視台都不一樣,所以後面的logo就不能夠隨便亂擺。上面兩張看到的照片是平時在Liverpool FC官方網站賽前賽後可觀看的訪問所使用的背景板子。Premier League, Champions League, 和 FA Cup都會有自己專屬的訪問背景板子。
The boards you see at the back are designed so that they can be changed back and forth with ease. With different sponsors and TV broadcasters, the logos would have to match the sponsors and the broadcasters of the different games. The ones you see in the picture, are used for interviews that are braodcasted on the Liverpool FC official website.
『This is Anfield』
當然也少不了最重要的『This is Anfield』牌子。根據Liverpool FC傳奇人物 Kenny Daglesh的說法,球員無論是練習或是比賽,只要是經過這個門啊,就一定要給他拍一下,才會好運連連。所以我們當天的領隊也對我們說,他會開啟背景歡呼聲的特效,讓我們感受一下球員們從這走出去到球場的氣氛,但我們也要在經過牌子時,給他拍一下。只是...我看到那個距離,整個心都碎了... 因為:
And of course, there's the "This is Anfield" sign that everyone's heard of. According to Liverpool FC's legendary player, Kenny Daglesh, whenever players pass by this sign, whether for a game or for practice, or whenever, they are meant to give it a pat, because this will bring luck to the club. Our guide wanted us to experience what it's like for the players to walk through this tunnel, so he turned on sound effects of people cheering, and bid us to give the sign a pat when we walk pass it. However, when I first caught sight of the distance of the sign to the ground, my heart shattered... Because:
A picture's worth a thousand words....
Before going out into the stadium, our guide had already warned us: if one person steps on the grass, the tour would have to end immediately. So everyone refrained from stepping onto the field, and allowed the guide to escort us to the players' seat.
This is just a random picture. But if I told you this was Torres's seat, would you have any reason not to believe me?
領隊有特別提到,紅帽子小男孩坐的位子就是Liverpool FC經理 Rafael Benitez的專屬座位。
The boy in the red hat is sitting in Benitez's seat.
再來讓大家好好的看看the Kop空無一人時得模樣。
This is what the Kop looks like when empty.
因此在希德堡慘劇發生沒多久之後,之前的Kop就被拆掉了。而重新建成今天大家所看到的樣貌。至今Anfield的kop 是全世界最有名的一個kop看台。原因不竟然是因為希德堡慘劇,而是因為每一場坐在kop看台觀看比賽的球迷們集體營造出來的氣氛,絕對是全世界獨一無二的超high超熱情氣氛。
Our guide told us that the reason that contributed to the Hillsborough disaster was the poor design of the old Kop. It had been rebuilt after the disaster, because the space that is used to seat one, used to fit three. The over-crowdedness was a major contributing factor to the disaster.
Today, this particular Kop has gained a world reputation for the atmosphere that the fans sitting in it creates during games.
球場導覽結束後,領隊就放我們自由行動。博物館的票可以自由進出至他關門。所以絕對可以慢慢的欣賞Liverpool FC所有相關的物品,並了解Liverpool FC的歷史。
After the stadium tour, we were lead back to the museum. With our ticket, we could come in and out as many times as we like until it closes. You can take all the time you want to see all the club related items and learn a bit about the club's history.
This is the model of the earlier Anfield.
I think you all know the reason why I took this picture...
Trophies! Trophies! Trophies! Trophies!
When will there be another? May be this season?
Museum Tour [博物館] 全 £6 兒/優 £4
Stadium + Museum Tour [球場+博物館] 全 £11 兒/優 £6.50
Legends Tour [傳奇導覽] 全£35 兒/優 £18
托雷斯夫人念:我自己再寫這篇的時候都快笑翻啦! XD