Does this chandelier make you think that I'm back in Europe? Well, this was actually taken in Taiwan. No mistake. Rose House is a popular tea house famous for their so-called 'English style' tea. When we decided to come here, all spotlight was on me. As I had just recently returned from the UK, they were all dying to find out what I'd think of it. The truth is, this is so close to my old uni, but throughout the four years of college life, I had not set foot here even once. I think they've refurbished recently, and now I will never know what it was like before...
Because we had a big group, I came into the shop first to take a look at the tea for sale. To be honest, I was a little disappointed when I found that most of the tea were 'flavoured'. There was only one type of tea that was not 'flavoured'.
But I was immensely impressed with their service. They arranged a room for us, and must have waited for more than twenty minutes till we all found each other and sat down. They were patient and professional. This kind of service comes with a price, though...
Apologies for the poor quality of this particular photo. I assure you this function room is actually a lot more impressive than it looks. Every single one of us had our jaws wide open when the door was opened. How posh!
I think it's green tea red bean cake...
If there was anything I missed out on while I was in the UK, this would be one of them. Read on and you'll see. I had not actually had tea served on a tiered stand. I've only had scones and macaroons before, which were equally just as satisfying. But this was the perfect opportunity to finally see one set in front of my eyes! The best thing was, it included a scone. And now, I would really be able to tell, whether the scone tasted the same or not.
Supposedly, you're meant to start from the bottom and work your way up. But as my only interest was the scone, sod it!
Other than this fancy set of snack, obviously, a tea cannot possibly be complete without - TEA!
Afternoon tea, with milk and sugar.
Yorkshire tea
Wash basin in the loo
洗手間裡的洗手台 (tone會不會跳太快... )
Of course there were more than two cups of tea to satisfy a whole table of women... But I was too busy trying out my scone and distributing it after spreading both jam and cream on it to everyone who cared to try it the English way. That's why I ended up with only two shots of drinks... So what this comes down to, is that the tea was actually very nice. The atmosphere, also very grand. The scone, however, obviously needs improvement. But as this is not the UK, or anywhere near it, I think I'm pretty satisfied with what I got.
我們人數這麼龐大,當然是有點超過兩杯飲料啦。不過我忙著幫我的scone塗上果醬跟鮮奶油,然後切割分給想嘗試正宗英國味的大家吃,所以就懶的一份一份個別拍照了。不過最終的結論是,茶還不錯喝。(因為是外行人?)氣氛也很贊。有讓我想到倫敦Harrods某家茶店的feel... 不過這個scone就有待加強啦... 體積小、果醬跟奶油也都給的少的可憐(雖然事後要求有再補上)。話雖這麼說,不過跟在那邊吃中國菜同樣的道理。既然離發源地這麼遠,咱們就別計較這麼多了吧!