It's quite rare for Liverpudlians to not hear about Zizzi's. This Italian restaurant is located in the semi-outdoor shopping complex - Liverpool 1. The quality of their service and the food were both extremely satisfying. It was the perfect place for us to hold our 'dissertation hand-in' celebration.
利物浦的人應該很少沒有聽說過Zizzi's的。這間義大利餐廳位於半戶外的購物中心Liverpool 1。對於他們的服務以及食物品質,我們都相當滿意。因此我們選來這慶祝我們論文交出,應該是非常正確的選擇。
The weather was glorious, and it remained light till late. It was the perfect day to sit out on the patio to enjoy the food, the Prosecco, the sunset, and each other.
Me mate who had worked here recommended this drink. We all enjoyed it very much. Gave a toast to our MA directors, our supervisors, our dissertations, and also to each other's hard work and accomplishments.
Even though I can't remember any of the names of the food we ordered that day(night), it was still a very memorable night. The pictures would certainly show how wonderful and tasty everything was.
Smoked salmon meal. This was mine, and it was absolutely scrumptious! If there's lemon on it, I'll eat any kind of fish!
Pizza 這不用翻譯了吧
Macaroni 通心粉~
Spaghetti 義大利麵~
Forgot what this was... 忘了是什麼...
Desserts! 甜點!!
It didn't get dark until half-way through our meal. It was such an enjoyable meal because we all got a heavy load off our shoulders. Although it was the end of the course, it was only the beginning of a more glorious future for us all.