The first University of Liverpool Taiwan Alumni Reunion was held on 26 March, 2011 in Taichung. The committee started organizing for this event since December 2010. We sent emails, make phone calls, publicised through Hello UK and even the British Council. More than 35 alumni attended the event, with the most senior alumni graduating in 1986.
首屆英國利物浦大學臺灣同學會於民國一百年三月二十六日在台中舉辦。籌辦小組於民國九十九年十二月開始籌備工作。透過email,電話以及Hello UK及British Council等管道發送訊息。活動當日出席者超過三十五位。其中最資深校友畢業於西元1986年。
We arranged the reunion so it coincided with the presence of a delegate from the university. Dan Stephenson, Senior International Officer and Head of International Team, arrived with luggage full of Liverpool uni goodies to hand out to alumni who attended the event.
為了加深本次活動之意義,籌辦小組刻意安排將利大代表在臺時間舉辦校友餐會。Dan Stephenson是利大資深國際部門人員,目前已升為國際部門主管。不僅是他本人到場,他還帶了許多印以利物浦大學標誌的精美小禮送給出席個的各位校友。
During the event, under nomination by Senior Alumni Chao-Kuang Chen, Hsiu-Shuang Huang, Chancellor of National Tainan University, was chosen as the first Taiwan Alumni Association President. Sandy Chien (current Alumni Ambassador for Taiwan) was appointed Vice President, Min-Fu Hsieh as Chief Executor, and Ina Chen (2010 Student Ambassador) as Secretary/Treasurer.
餐會同時,在資深校友陳朝光的提名下,黃秀霜(國立臺南大學校長)獲選為首屆臺灣校友會會長。另Sandy(現任校友大使)為副會長,謝旻甫為執行長,Ina Chen(2010學生大使)為財務。
After the election/appointment of posts, a short 10-question Quiz was held including all sorts of Liverpool-related trivia. Three groups ended up with same points, and two tie-breaker questions were then asked to determine the winner. The winner group left with special Liverpool Uni souvenirs.
What we had thought as the first reunion turned out to be the first reunion in a very long time. On behalf of the organizing committee, Alumni Relations Office of the University of Liverpool, and all alumni, I'd like to say that this is the first of many more reunions to come.
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