This meal would not exist, if it hadn't been for my extremely high-spirited friends who had so 'considerately' forgot that their visiting vegetarian friend had not yet had dinner...
It was a rainy night, and we called up another one of our mates to drive us around town for food. The three of them happily decided to have some noodles at some duck restaurant, completely negligent of their visiting vegetarian friend! Whilst they devoured their meal, I watched air consumed by air...
After we had gotten back into the car, my friend drove around Confucius Temple and asked if we wished to take some pictures there. Until I reminded them, that their visitor had not yet had dinner, they were ready to jump off the car and take photos until the sun rose! OMG!!
Finally, we found this restaurant. We were counting on luck, really, by this time. It was late, and the choices we had were limited. Not to mention within those limited choices, I could only consume the vegetarian options... However, I knew these kind of restaurants would definitely have fish, something I am willing to eat at this point. So, we went in. How it turned out, that I ordered enough food for three or four people, I'm not really sure...
Grilled green pepper.
Bitter gourd fried with salty duck eggs.
Basil fried egg.
Haven't a clue what this is...
Looks Martian to me...
I brutally devoured them... (not all, but enough...)
So excluding the Martian life form, I actually consumed like ninety percent of the food shown here. Is that amazing or what?
地址︰台南市海安路上... Orz