Someone said to me, ages ago, that the people that you go to college with, will be your friends for life. At the time, the idea was pretty elusive. After graduation, I still found it hard to believe, as everyone was dispersed into different parts of the country. How is it possible to remain friends with people who live so far away from you, and have different jobs? Well, after this day, I understood. It really depends on your definition of 'friend'. You don't have to meet regularly to call someone a friend. You can meet a person every day, but only consider them an acquaintance. But the people with whom you share common memories, who you think of every now and then, THEY are the friends that will always 'be' with you, because they remain in your heart until the end.
Most of the classmates I'd met this day, I hadn't seen since graduation. Although we've gotten back in touch through Facebook, there was still a distance between us. The day was extremely meaningful in that seeing people who you hadn't met in a long time, gives you a feeling that you are still remembered, and the satisfaction in that you know they are all doing well in life.
If I hadn't been visiting Granny during Chinese New Years, I would have missed this golden opportunity in meeting them.
Some brought their gadgets to capture the day's events.
Another gadget...
And now, comes the second most important part of the article - the food.
Hot pot 火鍋~
Chicken meal. 雞腿排餐
Gratin rice 焗烤飯
Gratin pasta 焗烤麵
Waffle 鬆餅 Ice cream float. 漂浮
My veggie noodles. 我的蔬食麵。
The soup was so clear and delicious. 湯很清、又好喝。
The end of the waffle... 被解決掉的鬆餅...
One of me mates said during the day, that she had been trying to have a make over. I told her that it would be impossible. Even if you succeed in having a make over, when you meet your old friends, you will still revert back to the person you had been when we got to know you. I don't think it's particularly a bad thing. I just believe this as a fact.