My first visit to the Taiwan Literature Museum was during the day. It was also before I departed for my MA pilgrimage to the UK. The feeling I have towards this place is indescribable. I will just say that it is this place, that enables me to understand how people feel when I speak of English poets and writers that people wouldn't generally know about. Because know less than a handful of Taiwanese writers.
第一次造訪文學館是在白天。也是在我赴英國留學前發生的事情。台灣文學館對我的意義很難言語表達。我只能說,這裡讓我了解大家在我高談英國詩人以及作家的反應。因為臺灣文學人,我能叫的出名字的也不多。 Tree. 樹。
The darker it gets, the more gorgeous it looks. 越夜越美的文學館。
Fire department. 消防隊。
Theme placard. 主題海報。
Main entrance. 入口。
Children's literature area. 兒童文學館。
It was almost empty because it was getting late.
Hallway. 走廊。
Hall 大廳
Library. 圖書區。
Remain of the old part of the architecture.
Taiwan. 呆丸。
Train ride? 偽火車
Languages. 語言。
Display of a writer's work area.
I want to stack up my books like this, too.
The corner I'm more familiar with.
Signing in. 簽到~
Exhibit of the original architecture.
Ditto. 同上。
Smudgy window. 模糊的窗戶~
End of tour. 旅程結束。
Take a bow. 下臺一鞠躬。