Welcome to the world of Jane Austen. The thing I love most about English cities, is how you can always find literary traces in them. In Stratford-upon-Avon, everything is about Shakespeare. In the Lake District, Wordsworth; Canterbury, Marlowe; and the list just goes on and on and on. I don't visit every single one of these places. Although I've always thought it important to learn bits and pieces about things that might not be of particular interest, I think having a bit of knowledge does help you absorb whatever it is you might learn from these visits.
歡迎來到Jane Austen的世界。英國大大小小的城市常常可尋文藝蹤跡。這點是我非常喜歡英國的原因之一。(當然還有三天兩夜都講不完的原因)例如,在Stratford-upon-Avon,所有事物都跟文豪莎士比亞有關。在湖區則是Wordsworth。坎特伯里則是Marlowe(浮士德作家)。不過我還是不會每個景點都看。雖然我一向覺得即使是自己不太感興趣的事物,多攝取一點知識總是有益無害。不過若是稍微略懂,更有助於吸收旅途中所見所聞的新知。
Contemporary clothing. 當代服飾
The Circus as background. 背景是圓形廣場
Speaking 'fan-ish'. 不"扇"言語
Entertainment 娛樂
Tea table. 茶桌
Miscellaneous 雜項
Looks like modern day PJ. 有點像現代的睡衣...
What Jane Austen might have looked like when she's writing.
擬Jane Austen創作實景
I could use a writing table like this.
Austen books.
Collector's choice.
I love Darcy sticker.
Display window.
The Jane Austen Centre.
Website: http://www.janeausten.co.uk/
天仙念:其實我不是Austen迷。因為Jane Austen的小說內容都是我不太感興趣的話題。但Jane Austen對於角色描述以及情節構造的功力實在又很難讓人不敬佩。