I think this must be the most well-known and popular tourist attractions in Bath. Not surprisingly, it is also the most expensive of all tourist attractions here. I must say, though, that it is completely worth it.
Dome ceiling in the foyer. 大廳裡的圓屋頂。
Sculpture in the corridor. 走廊上的雕像。
Roman bath. 澡堂。
Roman emperors. 羅馬帝王。
Bath Abbey. 修道院。
Crowd of tourists. 一堆觀光客。
Taking a photo of me? 你在拍我嗎?
Quiet corner (because 'no entry') 冷清的角落(因為禁止進入)
Model of the bath house. 澡堂模型。
Remnants of the original building. 原建築物的遺跡。
Pillars. 柱子。
Wishing 'well'. 把這當許願池了~
Simulating the Roman days. 擬羅馬時期的動畫。
Centurion? 百夫長?
Telling his story. 敘說著他的故事。
If you pick the right time, there are still many other 'Roman' characters that you can catch during your tour. If I remember correctly, if you sign up for a guided tour, your guide will also dress in Roman costumes.
The light changes colour. 這燈光會換顏色的~
This is like the hypocaust I saw in Chester Roman Gardens.
Guess where this was taken.
The loo! 洗手間。你猜對了嗎?