I had waited for many years for a chance to visit the Lin Family Mansion and Garden. I had heard about its beauty, seen pictures that people had taken, and longed for a chance to visit the place myself. Finally, on this day, I got a chance to see the beauty of Chinese traditional architecture with my own eyes.
Despite the rain, the pictures still turned out great. There seems to be nothing that could undermine the beauty of the place.
雖然下著噢,但這裡的美卻絲毫不減弱。從圖片中就能看出,雨中的林家花園,還是一樣漂亮。 Lantern 01
Lantern 02
Lantern 03
Perforated window. Each design has its own symbolic meaning.
We did not anticipate joining a walking tour, but in the midst of our walk around the garden, we caught the guide giving a very profound and detailed description of the design and history. Thus, we decided to follow her. She's the lady in the flowery blouse.
This designed is used for performances. The one on the right is the entrance, the other is the exit.
For the first time ever since I owned my own camera, I ran out of batteries. There could've been more photos, but I think it happened for the best. As I put away my camera, I was able to listen more intently to what the guide was saying, and possibly learn a bit more about my own culture. During the tour, the guide got upset at two boys who were leaning against a fence by the water. I thought she took it well, for she told the parents that it was dangerous, which is true. But falling into the water seems less of a hazard then destroying cultural heritage, doesn't it?