Five...four...three...two...one!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
天仙習慣在家安安靜靜的跨年,從不去湊熱鬧(因為不愛人潮)。但這次奉好友之命,只好在外面倒數跨年。(講的好委屈)布過其實他的目的不是跟我一起在什麼特別的地方倒數,而是.... (繼續看下去吧!)
Not being a big fan of large crowds of people, I much prefer counting down quietly at home. This year, however, due to a request of a very dear friend, I had no choice but to countdown outside of home. However, counting down wasn't her real agenda...
因為趕著上車,怕來不及一起倒數,所以連晚餐都沒吃。只好先去添飽肚子。因為... 夜晚還很年輕(誤)
To ensure that she got on the coach to Taipei on time, my friend had skipped dinner. The first thing we had to do one we'd reached 2011, was to eat. Because the night was still young...
Having already had dinner, I only had a few small bites, thinking more calories will help me keep warm for the entire night.
Then, comes the night adventure of Taipei.
青天白日滿地紅~Flag of Taiwan.
說好的五度呢?What happened to the 5 degrees Celsius as promised?
一月一日凌晨的台北交通 Traffic on the morning of January 1st
國旗飄啊飄 Flying flag
你並不孤單 You are not alone.
聖誕裝飾還沒拆 Remanence of Christmas
精采一百 Happy 100
超大煙囪+DHL Santa Gigantic chimney and DHL Santa
偷用別家的台詞:有你就有溫暖 Kantoni as midnight-morning snack. Very warming.
發生什麼事!?!? What's going on here?
新娘禮車 Someone getting married?
終於來到目的地!沒錯!我們就是要來升旗的~ (可是再這之前我已經將近二十年沒唱過國歌了!驚!)
Alas! We'd arrived. That's right. We came to sing the first national anthem of our 100th birthday of Taiwan. (but I have not sung the national anthem for almost 20 years!)
Reporters working all through the night/morning
大家都很愛國~ All feeling patriotic~
百歲生日快樂!Happy 100th birthday!
但是能不能快點升旗呢?(又累又冷啊)But please could the flag be raised soon??? (cold and tired by this point)
老兄你到底愛哪一國?Which country do you love, mate?
謝天謝地國旗終於出現了! Thank God the flag's finally out!
歐耶!閃人!Yippee! Time for bed!!
After making our way to the MRT at the fastest possible pace, this was what we saw: