才光跨完年就一連三貼食記,會不會太享受啊~ 不過剛剛好嘛!跨年前英國遊記正好到一個段落。下一個段落的照片還沒開始整理,大家就將就一下囉(是很勉強嘛!?)
This is the third consecutive food article that I've posted since the beginning of the year! Well, this is only because I have not yet had time to organize the next round of UK photos. So while you're waiting, this is what you can enjoy~
My friend and I came here after our crazy new year's eve. Because of the weather, we didn't feel like going anywhere. The day she had to get the coach back home, I suggested to dine near the station. Although it had meant to be 'lunch', we managed to arrive in the afternoon.....
At first, we were undecided as to whether to have Japanese or Thai. But it turned out this was the only restaurant that caught our attention.
辣炒空心菜 phak boong fai dang (spicy fried veggie)
海鮮炒飯 kao pad talae (seafood fried rice)
涼拌海鮮(右手邊的醬汁超好吃!)yam talae (seafood cold platter)
酸辣鮮蝦湯 tom yam goong (spicy and sour shrimp soup)
這是兩人份! Meal fit for queens!
兩個瘋子點的摩摩喳喳 dessert a bit too cold for this season...
帳單也有好兆頭~ auspicious bill
針對店家的評論,我想服務方面算普通而已。帶位、買單都要我們自己去講(那收什麼服務費?)。而且兩三點進去,雖然沒啥人,但一堆桌上用餐完畢的餐具碗盤都還沒收。不過話雖如此,店員們面對客人時的態度真的很親切!面帶微笑,而且也很"溫柔"。讓你似乎可以忘記其他的缺點~ 總體而言,還算不錯囉!
The overall comment for the restaurant is 'ordinary'. On one or two occasions, we had to go to the waitresses, instead of them coming to us. Also, we were there well after lunch rush hour, but there were still uncleaned tables... However, the waitresses were all very polite, and used very soft voices, that could make you disregard all the faults...