Whether a fan of the entire Sherlock Holmes, or a comic fanatic of the Japanese kid detective Conan, this is yet another place in London not to miss out on. If you don't have the time, it's still worth a Tube trip to see the station itself.
'You see, but you do not observe.' - Holmes
「你看見了,但你卻不觀察。」- 福爾摩斯 Holmes 福爾摩斯
221B Baker Street 貝克街 221B
Display in the museum. 博物館內部陳列
See the violin? 有看到福大人的小提琴嗎~
Watson's room. 華生醫生的寢室。
More of Watson's stuff. 也是華生的。
Prop that played part in 'The Solitary Cyclist'
這是'The Solitary Cyclist'中所出現過的道具。(中文譯作什麼?「孤獨單車手」?)
Window overlooking Baker Street. 俯瞰貝克街的窗戶。
One of the Baker Street Irregulars. 偵緝隊貝克接分隊成員之一~
Character in one of the 'adventures'.
Scene from one of the adventures.
I think this is from 'The Red Headed League'.
This is definitely 'The Red Headed League'.
'A Scandal in Bohemia' 「波希米亞醜聞」
Can't remember which story this is from. 忘了出自哪個故事。
Professor Moriarty! 莫里亞蒂教授!
Miss Irene Adler, aka The Woman. 艾琳艾德勒
Our protagonist! 主角出現囉!
Watson~ 華生在這
Holme's belongings 福爾摩斯的物品
A guard from Scotland Yard. 蘇格蘭場派來站崗的~
to be continued...