This is a story about a girl and the sea.
The sea was irresistably charming to the girl. Its infinity represented the unrestrained and carefree life style the girl dreamed of living.
But deep inside the girl's heart, was a secret that perhaps only she would understand.
Her admiration toward the vast ocean coexisted with an extremity of fear towards it.
It was as though she was cursed. All she could do, was stay on the beach and watch the waves approach, but never touch the water.
Call it superstition. Call it coincidence. No matter what, nothing can rid the fear within the girl.
Two incidents occurred after the girl went to the beach on her own. Years aftewards, she was told not to play in the water if she went to the beach on her own. This was what linked the two incidents together. Perhaps it's just superstition to most of us. Maybe. But the girl would rather believe in it, than take the risk.