I don't deny that I like to complain. But the fact of the matter is, I really think that if you make yourself do something that is slightly out of your comfort zone, great surprises may await. I'm starting this off with something seemingly so unrelated because this is why I got a chance to visit Harrods. If it hadn't been 'someone', then I really thought about skipping Harrods. What? I'm not a big fan of shopping anyway. And even if I am, most of the things here are way over my budget anyway! BUT!! I'm glad I went anyway! You'll see why.
This was my last day in London, my last day in the UK, and the date of this post is the last day of me being a 20-something. My host in London who had been so kind to take me in for an entire week, finally had one free day where we could go around together. We went to a pizzaria in Harrods, where not just the pizza, but the chefs are special.
I'll bet my camera didn't realise it was entering its retirement... This is like.. it's 'last supper'.
So what's so special about the chefs? See the tallest chef there? Well, he's not there to make pizzas. He's there to 'entertain'. While playing around with the dough, he'd start singing arias... Then when he's done, he'll throw away the dough he'd been playing with! Story has it that it was exactly his singing that got him the job!
After lunch, we went off to do a bit of looking around on our own, but my friend took me to these escalators before leaving me on my own, to show me its unique design. But it's not just the architecture that's special!
You'll start to hear some singing, and start wondering what kind of stero system they use because it sounds amazingly clear!
Then you'll realise: the singing is LIVE!
Do you know why this memorial is here?
After we met up again, my friend took me to tea. It was probably the poshest tea I've ever had in my life, but because I was heading off on my flight that night, I was so not dressed for it! Those are macaroons, by the way. De-li-cious!
我們碰了面之後,朋友就帶我去喝茶。這大概是我這一生喝過最高檔的茶了吧!?不過可惜當天因為晚上就要坐飛機,行李也都打包好了。所以當天一副休閒裝就給人家進去~ (我也想當偽貴婦啊!)對了,那些圓圓的就是超好吃的macaroon喔!
No photography inside, but I still managed to take one shot of our tea!
2009 UK Travel Finis.
2009 英國遊記 全文完。