This is the place that I had left with regret during my 2009 trip to London. This time, to make sure it does not become a second-time regret, I made sure it was done during the beginning of the whole England itinerary. Although the weather wasn't as great as the last time round, at least I saw the grey sky that belonged rightfully to London.
Beefeaters at entrance to the Tower. 入口處的御用侍從警衛(Beefeater)
Join our very humourous guide! 加入這位非常幽默的導遊~
Look at how jolly he is. 瞧他帶我們帶的多開心啊
Traitor's gate 叛徒者之門
This is the gate through which the famous/infamous Sir Thomas More and Anne Boleyn were brought into the Tower.
Bloody Tower 血腥之塔
Gate 大門
Tourists 遊客們
Tourists again 更多遊客
Tower Ravens 烏鴉
They're not going anywhere. 好像都不會飛走~
Stairs 階梯
Artillery 火炮
Toy soldier
He's actually kinda cute. 帥哥捏~
Clock, will it fall? 不知道會不會掉下來的鐘
Lamp 燈
More artillery 更多火炮
This looks quite unique 這看起來就挺特別的
What's the point of making such an artwork out of something that could be so easily destroyed?
Another tower 其中一塔
All kinds of visitors 男女老少都有
Wardrobe Tower (皇室就是不一樣,人家walk-in closet就不錯了,他的"衣櫃"竟然是一整塔的![誤])
Another bird 這裡也有鳥
To be continued...