I'm afraid you'll be rather disappointed by the Norwich (pronounced Nor-rich) series, for there was only one reason why I arranged to come here - to have cider with my dear flatmate. We tried to do some tourist stuff, but we still ended up where we always end up - at the pub. Nonetheless, you'll still get a glimpse of what this lovely place is like.
我想可能有人會對這一系列有點失望吧!因為我來這裡主要的原因只是為了跟前室友喝一杯。雖然我們有試著觀光一下,不過最後還是回到pub... 話雖如此,這篇文章還是可以讓你看看諾里奇這個小地方到底長啥樣子~(英文雖拼成Norwich,但w不發音。所以念作Nor-rich)。
A corner of the castle 城堡一角 04
From another angle 從另一個角度看 05
Castle on a hill 山丘上的小城堡 07
Me and my friends 我與友人 08
Bank building 銀行建築 09
Pub 酒吧~ 10
Blue sky 藍天 11
Some building 某建築 12
The city is filled with interesting buildings like this...
整個城市布滿了這種有趣的建築 13
Strangers... 店名叫做陌生人 14
Sky view from alley
巷弄中仰望 15
Church 教堂 16
Very old buildings 老建築 17
Something I missed...
很不巧就錯過的... 18
Clock 鐘 19
Another pub 另外一間酒吧 20
Cute little Norwich 可愛的諾里奇
天仙念:這篇應該叫做快閃諾里奇(我待在這地方不到24小時...)喝完酒就走了 XD