After having spent a few days with P, dining with his family, enjoying his homemade cuisine, I felt the urge to cook myself. So when I got to Leeds, I offered to make my friend some simple meals. Starting with dinner, the next morning's breakfast, and dinner and another dinner for the following evening.
Simple meal for two plus one. 二加一人的簡單料理
Cheaper than eating out. 比外食便宜!
Fried asparagus and mushroom 香菇炒蘆筍
Pudding brought by friend's friend. 友人的朋友帶來的甜點
Scrumptious! 超好吃!
Breakfast the next day. 隔天早餐
Fried eggs and mushroom 蘑菇炒蛋
Another dinner 晚餐
Frying veggies found in the fridge 冰箱裡的蔬菜都拿來炒一炒
I love cooking. It calms the mind. Unfortunately, all I have at my flat now is a rice cooker. I hope I can find a place with a kitchen some time soon.
天仙念: 怎麼自己看自己煮得菜也會流口水啊...