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這裡就是著名的國王學院。始建於1441年,由亨利六世建立。天仙對這裡最深的映象,就是每年聖誕節會聽的King's College Choir所演唱的聖誕歌曲。因為已經聽了好幾年,終於有榮幸一睹國王學院的壯觀建築時,心裡感到格外的興奮。抵達第一天,連內部都沒觀賞到,就急忙著想要看到建築外觀。直到隔天才有機會真得進去內部觀賞。

Alas, this is the famous King's College, founded in 1441 by Henry VI. The deepest impression I had of the place, came from the Christmas carols that I would listen to every year by the college's choir. After so many years, I finally had the chance to see the building with my own eyes. It was such an unforgettable moment. Although I did not get to see the interior on the first day of my arrival, I couldn't wait to see the actual building anyway! I waited till the next day to really enjoy the interior of this magnificent buliding.

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建築外觀 The exterior.

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教堂中殿、屏、管風琴 The nave, the screen, the organ. 

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彩繪玻璃 Stained glass windows. 

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唱詩班席位 The choir

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陽光展現出玻璃彩繪的特色 Features of the windows standing out even more in the sun.

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窗戶下的藝術 Painting beneath the window.

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Every panel is an art, narrating a story

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講台 Podium

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建築後側 Rear side of the building.

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船上看學院 Punting by the college.

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在小道上遇見名人 Encounter with a famous person on a path.

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That famous person is the Chinese poet Xu Zhimo



    創作者 天仙 (Celeste) 的頭像
    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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