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這是劍橋Walking Tour的後半段。上圖中所見到的,是稍後要划船的地點。不過請稍安勿躁,先來瞧瞧女王學院吧。

This is the second part of the Cambridge walking tour. The photo above is a picture of the place to be if you wish to go punting. That's for later, though. Let's focus on Queen's College first for now.

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I guess most of us are more familiar with King's College. It must be known, that Cambridge University is formed by the combination of various colleges. Not unlike its rival, Oxford, this is not the kind of place where money is the simple solution. Most people began the Cambridge system earlier in their academic life, and only the top ones are offered places in colleges. Queen's College was founded by the wife of King Henry VI, Margaret of Anjou. The picture you see above is a picture of the oldest building in Cambridge. (Mathematical Bridge and the President's Lodge)

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學院門樓 The Gatehouse

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舊大廳 Old Hall

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迴廊庭院 The Cloister

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Next up: Let's go punting! 

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天仙念: 雖然walking tour很好玩,學到很多。不過來劍橋要有心理準備,因為觀光客真的太多!一點都不像在英國... 

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    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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