Well someone knew about my craze for strawberries. It being my birthday, afterall, he thus suggested that we get this strawberry cake for celebration. I didn't realise how famous this Cake Nobel was. I didn't know what the fuss was about, until I saw the sign with a picture of the cake. Then, I knew that it was something I'd like.
It was a famous shop. The place seemed very busy. When we arrived, there was also a big bus full of people that were there to buy these cakes as gifts.
There were many kinds of products for sale. But I still wanted to try the strawberry cake.
They are quite generous in that they provided samples for many of the items.
You can have a bite and try their taste before deciding what to buy.
Well, you must keep in mind that it was my birthday. Although I already had a cake the day before, there was a small regret. This was a very special year for me, and I had wanted to have a cake with numbered candles on it. But we had failed to find the candles the day before. So, this was why I was brought to this place, after finding the numbered candles, and this was also why we were having this cake, after the goose meal and the chicken meal!
And finally, after the candles were lit - no more regrets.
ps. 忘了說,奶凍真的很好吃!不要看我們切成那樣。這真的是我愛吃的蛋糕種類。
ps. I forgot to mention that the cake tasted wonderful! It was exactly the type of dessert I loved!