The release of this article happens to be on a Monday - time to face our stress and pressure again! With the accummulation of stress over the week, many people are still unable to relax even after a weekend! I thought it was just me, but apparently a lot of people have noticed how rare it is to find a smile on the MRT in Taipei. I guess you can say it's because city people are grumps, or because Taipei people can't smile. Smiling is your own responsibility. It makes you lighter, and more positive. So I say why not?
我們都有壓力呀!誰沒有呢?工作壓力、帳單繳納壓力、養家壓力... 其實換個心情,換個角度,壓力雖然不會不見,但至少你會比較有勇氣與精神面對!
We all face a fair amount of stress every day. Pressure from work, ability to pay bills, support the family, etc... However, even though the stress won't completely disappear, if you alter your mood and change your perspective, you will definitely have more courage and energy to confront them.
You can think about the beautiful places you've been or some great experiences in your life. Even the most tiny things, may help bring out that smile.
Refain from concentrating on your desires, because desiring something means you 'don't have'. And don't become jealous of those who have what you don't. If you want to be in love, don't be jealous of couples. Instead, expand your appreciation of your family and friends.
The inevitable route to confronting stress is knowing yourself, and listening to your inner voice. Open your heart, and your future will be as wide as the ocean.
Bruce Lee said: Be like water. Water is formless. You pour water into a cup, it becomes a cup. The deeper meaning of this, is worth contemplating upon.
Sometimes we all wish we were either birds or airplanes, so we can soar into the sky...
But whoever said there was no fun on ground level?
I watched the old man enjoy his little fishing session. If you don't catch anything, does it make it no fun? No. But if you get something, that makes it 'more' fun.
臥在地面上拍攝... 用另外一個角度看世界...
A shot from ground level - a different perspective.
Freedom of the mind is a lot more important than physical freedom.
You can't see his face, so you probably think he's feeling lonely. He was actually smiling... at his lot of companion.
We often get tricked because of what we see or can't see...
人生本來就不像腳踏車步道... 總是會有凹凸不平的時候。只要我們努力地騎過去...
Well, life is not like a bike trail... It has bumps and holes. But when we do get through...
我們會將自己從最大的監牢裡解放出來... 那個監牢就是自己... 然後就可以高飛在天空了!
We release ourselves from the biggest prison of all time - our own. Then we soar...
And the world becomes a better place!