小時候對『台南』的印象就只有:1. 是舅舅住的地方 2. 去外婆家可以換車的地方。漸漸地開始有當地的朋友後,才開始一點一滴的慢慢的認識這個可愛的城市。大家都說台南是個好地方。我想這句話應該沒有人會否認。我們常聽人說台北哪裡不好、高雄哪裡不好,卻是很少聽人嫌棄台南。這個可愛的城市,真的很值得你一來再來,而且每一次,都要慢慢地,才會真正體會到台南的精隨。
It used to be that my only impressions on Tainan was that it was where one of my uncles lived, and that it was where I could transfer coach to granny's. Later on, as I gained my own Tainan friends, I had the chance to get to know the city, little by little. Everyone would say that Tainan is such a wonderful place. In fact, I don't think anyone would deny that. We've all heard complaints about Taipei and Kaohsiung, but we rarely hear people complain about Tainan. This lovely city surely deserves multiple visits, and each time, make sure that you slow your pace down, in order to really experience the essence of the city.
These pictures were taken along Hai-an Road. These buildings were revived by a group of artists, and eventually, the place became a popular site for photo shooting, or just wandering around.
I think Tainan must be the epitome of where the old and the new could coexist in harmony. There isn't the slightest bit of clash between the old and the new.
These buildings are all old ones, but with a bit of bright colours, they become a brand new site of attraction!
You must keep your eyes open for the smallest details, as these are often the most easily neglected.
The innocent smiles of children are also a sight that makes the whole picture complete.
Whether on your own, or with friends, slow down your pace and enjoy the laid-back moment.
Whether day, dusk, or night, the place has all kinds of suprises waiting for you to discover.
Recently, I've heard that this work of art, known as Blue Print, is about to become history. Although I am not from Tainan, and although the work has lost a bit of its magnificence, still, it's a pity to let it go. After all, this was the work that made the revival of this neighbourhood possible, right?
Nonetheless, Tainan remains a place that is worth keep returning. It's as though, Tainan has gathered all the best of Taiwan into a single place. No wonder, no matter where you go, each of the attractions will be crowded with people!