原本上網看了墾丁、花蓮、台東... 好多地方都想去!但後來還是決定不要去太遠,找個適合窩個一整天的地方好好休息就好。最後才選定宜蘭。其實去年生日的時候,我們就來宜蘭住過一晚。當時住的波卡拉我覺得也不錯!這次很猶豫,因為除了波卡拉還有另外一間我原本想去的。只是電話打去卻聽到因為正在裝修無法接客,因此只好再另外找。我想找的房型很簡單!不用多高級,但是一定要有落地窗,我才會有度假的feel!上網找了好久,終於看到這間有符合我的需求!
Since we weren't going abroad for our honeymoon, I begged my husband to spend one night out of town.
I looked everywhere! Kenting, Hualien, Taitung... In the end, I figured I shouldn't go too far. It was then that we settled for Ilan. Actually, we were here last year for my birthday. We stayed at Pokrara, a very nice resort. It was a tough decision this time, as there was Pokara and this other place I had wanted to stay in. However, after calling them up, they told me they were under rennovation, and were not open for service. So I searched some more and finally found this place. I didn't ask for much. The place didn't have to be posh, but it did need to have a large window, as that was the only way to make me feel like I'm on holiday!
大廳 The lobby
The view through the window of our room!
Cute key ring
Towel and toiletries
The tub
The shower
Ceiling of the bathroom
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Comfy bed
I love this seat!
飲品 Kettle, water, and teabags...
Little patio outside our room. This was where we'd be having our dinner later. But it was extremely dim, so I didn't bother taking any photos of our meal.
The massive garden outside the room, surrounding the buidling!
It really did make me feel like I was on holiday! "
It rained a bit during the night. I didn't want to walk through the night market having to watch out for the camera and the baby in my tummy while holding an umbrella also... So I didn't take the camera to the night market. After we got back, we were locked out for a while... as the other set of guests decided to lock the door.... It took them a while to get back to us and open the door for us. But by then, the hot foods we bought had cooled down, and the icy dessert had melted. That was actually the last straw that made me give up on taking shots of our meal!