既然最近有問題的是餿水油,那麼我們來吃素,就肯定不會吃到問題油了吧!!(這真的就要考驗店家的良心了!)話說這間用手機拍還真的有點對不起他。東西好吃的不得了,排盤也算用心。只是燈光有點暗,手機拍出來的效果就真的只能這樣了... 這天我原本有想要帶單眼去,但現在走路去上班都嫌吃力了,還要為了下班後的聚餐扛著相機去辦公室真的有點累。所以我只能靠文字來描述他到底有多好吃了!
There has been a lot of issues with the food we're eating nowadays. I don't know whether to consider it fortunate that these problems arise one by one, and not altogether at once! Because then, we might as well not eat at all!
So, since recently, the issue has been about lard oil, I guess we'd be avoiding it completely if we went veg, right!? (Supposing the shop doesn't add any lard oil behind our backs!!) I feel a little bad about posting this article using pictures taken on my phone. I did think about taking my DSLR, but I'd have to take it to work first, and being in the final trimester of my pregnancy, walking has recently become quite a tiresome exercise... so I gave up the idea. I can only tell you with words how delicious the meal had been.
Unlike my other posts, this was a rather recent visit. I felt obliged to post this first, as it was a really pleasant meal!
這間Mia Cucina就位於天母Sogo旁。其實不難找,只是還是算有點小隱密就是了。
Mia Cucina is located right by Sogo (Tienmu). It's not hard to find, but it's still a little tucked away.
The environment was quite nice, except the chair was a bit hard for a pregnant lady. But it's okay, because dinner time starting Friday night and weekends, is limited to only 90 minutes. We couldn't stay too long even if we wanted to.
The drinking water they served was quite special, except I failed to take a photo of it.
Since I walked a bit slow, and also started out in the wrong direction, my friends ordered the food for us all.
卡普雷賽沙拉 Caprese Salad
很簡單的一道前菜 - 由番茄、羅勒葉以及起司組合而成的。天仙一口吃進去回想到吃素那段期間在英國吃到的素食佳餚!很懷念這種西式的蔬食呢!
It was a very simple dish, consisting of cheese, basil, and tomato, but the taste and texture reminded me of the yummy veggie dishes I'd had while I was in the UK!
起司麵 Three cheeses
This pastsa dish was ordered by our little boy. We were sharing all the dishes, so that everyone could taste a bit of everything. This is a dish I highly recommend! It was simply amazing! I think I'd order a plate and have it on my own if I get to come again next time!
The rich taste of cheese was quite fine! Everyone really enjoyed this dish!
羅勒青醬帕尼尼 Pesto Panini
I really enjoyed the panini as well, but the kids enjoyed the pasta more. They were even wondering what the zuchini really was. At one time they thought it was avacado, but I knew it was not, because of its texture.
奶油香蒜野菇 Wild Mushroom Alfredo
Next up was another pasta dish. I thought I'd enjoy this dish more. It really wasn't bad at all. Except the first pasta dish was so rich that this dish seemed a bit too 'normal' after...
野菇帕尼尼 Wild Mushrooms Panini
The pregnant lady felt that she could still eat, so she went ahead and ordered another panini. This was great as well, except it had one thing that I absolutely detested - onions!
不過他其實真的不錯啦!(在老公幫我把洋蔥處理掉之後... XD)
Tasted just fine after my other half got rid of the onions for me!
米亞的最愛 Mia's favourite waffle with chocolate ice cream
The grand finale of the meal was the dessert!
We couldn't stop cheering when the waitress brought us the dish!
是說我們四大兩小這樣分著吃還覺得剛剛好。雖然小朋友可能覺得不夠 XD
我只是好奇,這要視只有兩個人來吃... 正餐吃完還吃得下這個喔!?(下次來試試...XD)
I thought the entire plate was just right for the six of us (4 adults and 2 kids). I suppose kids could always have more ice cream than they really should...
I wonder, though, how two people could finish this dessert, after having their appetizer AND main course? (Maybe I'll try it next time!)
檢視較大的地圖 歡迎加入粉絲團喔~