After our wedding reception and registration, we came back to Taichung to stay a couple of days. The main reason was actually to spend some time with a friend who came to our reception all the way from the UK. We took him to Sun Moon Lake the first day, but then even before we arrived, it started pouring! The weather forecast said that there would be showers in the afternoons during those few days. We were still thinking about where we could take our friend the next day, when he insisted on making an adventure on his own. That's how we got this entire day to ourselves. Speaking of these few days, we did have like a week off. But since we knew before that I was pregnant, and we weren't sure how much budget we were going to have after the reception... and that if we had some extra left, we'd like to save it for the baby... so we didn't bother booking anything abroad. (Good thing we went to Thailand the year before! I guess that could count as a honeymoon!)
The day trip to Sun Moon Lake tired me out already, so I suggested that we take it easy the next day. We drove to Mode Mall, intended to have lunch and see a movie after. Since we were saving up a lot on not going abroad for our honeymoon, I suggested that we have a feast instead of a normal lunch. That was when we decided to have some dim sum here at Dada Tea.
It was a weekday, so there weren't many people there. The place was quite huge! Very spacious!
There were two sets of chopsticks - one to grab the food from the plate, and one for eating... A bit redundant for a meal with just the two of us.
We studied the menu for a while before deciding to have some of the dishes that I had not had in a while.
炒三蘇 - 一般般
Fried veggies (apparently a kind of fern) - nothing special
醉雞 - 有點入味,但還是不夠驚艷!
Drunken chicken - you could taste the shaoxing wine, but still, nothing special!
I can't remember the name of this, but it didn't look like anything we had ordered. After confirming with the waitress, it was indeed a wrong oder. (say, couldn't we have it anyway?)
鮮蝦蒸餃 - 還不錯!
Steamed shrimp dumplings - not bad at all.
Pearl meatballs
I was so used to the ones my mum used to make, which was difficult to beat! But I'd say this was not bad!
腸粉 - 味道還不差,雖然賣像沒有很好看...
Cheong fun - it didn't look that good, but the taste was quite fine.
I think I used up a month's worth of shrimp! I had tried to avoid shellfish in my prenatal diet, but it was hard to avoid when you come to have dim sum!
We didn't have that much food, the price came out quite reasonable. We did think about having seafood buffet upstairs in the mall, but I knew that there would much much more shellfish in the meal!
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