
By B.K.S. Iyengar

Light on Life is a book no yoga practitioners should ever miss out.   The wise and more than experienced octogenarian shares with us his own stories and gives advice to his yogic readers.  It is full of wisdom, yet just as enjoyable as any other book.  The journey every yogi or yogini has to take may be long and difficult.  This is when the book certainly comes in handy in helping to boost up one's spirituality.

I remember that first asana session after having begun the book.  It was the most delightful session I think I have ever had in my entire yogic experience.  The final resting asana was so profound that it took me a few minutes after to realize that I was back in the real world.  Afterwards, i was physically light and spiritually unbound. 

Then when I saw that the guru refers to himself only as a person who is 'close' to becoming a yogi, I realized that I, myself, did not deserve the title 'yogini'.  I quickly changed all the profiles on the internet from 'yogini' to 'yogini becoming'. 

Even if you have no experience and do not intend to begin your yogic experience, you may still find the book more valuable than it seems.  After all, the man has lived a longer life than a lot of us.  Surely  anybody can learn something from him.

As for me,  it is more rewarding than I had anticipated.  Not only does the master shares his  many anecdotes and stories as encouragement, he also inspires his readers by doing so.  Unlike his other book, Light on Yoga, this is a book anyone  can enjoy.  The language is clear and straightforward.  The reading may be easy, but it is what lies between those lines that require a deeper look and understanding.

Light on Life At
About Iyengar At Wikipedia

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    天仙 (Celeste)

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