以下是來自Animals Taiwan志工的來信。
Dear all,
"Animal Whoop Festival" will be holding on September 8th and 9th. We have adoption and fundraising event there. We need your join to raise funds for medication, food and rent. It's an opportunity to find a sweet home for dogs and cats. If you can't be there, you can help us to put this message on other website as well.
We have four shifts; you can tell me which one you like. You can take MRT and get off at city hall station, it take only 10 minutes to walk there.
Also SKS event will be cancel on 9/8.
Shift Time
1 9/8 13:40~17:30
2 9/8 17:30~21:20
3 9/9 12:40~16:30
4 9/9 16:30~20:20
「 2007動物呼喚主題園遊會」在9/8( 六) 、9/9(日 )舉行,動物台灣在現場也有義賣及認養活動舉行,這難得的大型活動需
我們分四個梯次,有興趣的人請告知適合的梯次,無論是 2-3個小時,或是願意全天候幫忙,我們都非常歡迎。你可搭捷運到市政府
第一梯次 9/8 13:40~17:30
第二梯次 9/8 17:30~21:20
第三梯次 9/9 12:40~16:30
第四梯次 9/9 16:30~20:20
Date 活動時間:9月 8日 (Sat.六)14:00PM~21:00PM
9 月9日 (Sun.日 )13:00PM~20:00PM
Location 活動地點:Taipei city hall Plaza 台北市政府市民廣場
Website 活動網址:www.animal.org.tw