天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

*This is a bilingual article. *本篇文章以雙語撰寫。

Michael Hoey教授日前因參加研討會來臺三日。停留期間表示希望抽空與校友會面。Michael Hoey除為利物浦資深語言學教授之外,也是利物浦大學的副校長(Executive Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Internationalism)。機會難得能與利大高層相見,但礙於Michael Hoey教授來臺時間短暫,只能於平日晚間時間於臺北與校友碰面,因而只能邀請在台北的校友們參與。

十一月三日晚間七點半相約於臺北市的NOX相約。Michael Hoey一進門便遞出印有繁體中文的名片給大家。本次校友聚會同時也邀請了British CouncilSusan參與。Susan帶了紀念品送給參與的校友們。校友大使Sandy也將印有利物普大學字樣的原子筆贈送給校友。Michael Hoey則是帶了校友徽章送給出席的校友們。當然除了能夠取得各種紀念品外,此活動大家最大的收獲就是能夠認識各界校友。雖然本次聚會為小型聚會,但出席校友的畢業年份分散得很平均。有剛交出論文回國的應屆校友,校友大使Sandy2008-2009年代表,另外也有兩位2007-2008校友代表出席。校友們領域也非常廣泛,有理工科、商學、語言學以及英國文學系畢業的校友們。

除寒暄問暖、閒話家常外,Michael Hoey教授表示他很開心能夠看到臺灣的校友們漸漸地建立起在臺的校友網絡。在聽到校友大使報告於2011年初所舉辦首次的校友聚會以及明年的聚會將於2012年初開始籌備後,Michael Hoey表示對於成立臺灣校友會的肯定並且表示未來會全力支持校友會後續之發展。但更重要的是,Michael Hoey教授聲明,校友會的成立,以及校方積極的鼓勵建立校友網絡的原因不在於希望未來能夠得到校友募款捐回給學校,反而是希望能夠朝向未來能夠成立針對弱勢或是清寒家境學生的獎學金基金會。對於Michael Hoey的理想,校友們表示肯定與支持,也希望未來能夠朝此方向進行,回饋社會。


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Jovial tune, lively steps, colourful costumes, and the lovely smiles on each of the dancers faces together make Morris Dance something you will never forget once you've seen it. Without further adieu, let's continute some Morris-fun!




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Morris dancing is said to date back to early to late 15th century. It is a form of folk dancing accompanied by music and based on rhythmic stepping and choreographed group dancing. Sticks, swords, hankerchiefs, and bells are often used in Morris dancing. During the Oyster Festival, there was a special area exclusively set aside for a whole afternoon of Morris dancing. I'm sure you will find it as satisfying as I found it when I was there watching it live. Please note that there are two parts of Morris Dancing articles. Stay tuned for the sequel after your perusal of this one.



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These mastiffs are Newfoundland dogs and are known as 'lifeguards of the sea'. These dogs were here to demonstrate their skills in water rescue and carting. I think we missed the carting (although they were carting during the parade), but we caught a decent portion of the rescue show. 



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After the ceremony of the Landing of the Oysters, immediately following was the Parade Party. It would be a big mistake to underestimate this little town, as seeing the parade, you'll see that everyone's involved. From young ones to old ones, everyone plays a part in this parade. And even though there are a lot of people, everyone seemed to be quite generous in terms of giving way to people in the back could still get a nice shot with their cameras. No pushing, very civilised. Well, enough said, let's take a look at the parade. 


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Staring afar, as if waiting for the arrival of someone or something. Oh, it's oysters they are waiting for. Oyster Festival is held every year, apparently when the tide is at its highest. After the oyster ship lands, blessing is given, and the festival officially begins. The ceremony is short, but meaningful. The entire ceremony takes no more than ten minutes, but it is still extremely interesting. 



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Allons-y! To the Whitstable Oyster Festival! This is the shuttle bus that took us straight to where the event took place. It was really convenient, because without this service, finding a parking space would surely have been a pain! 



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This is a glimpse of the gorgeous Kentish scenery. It is a beautiful place, and we were so lucky to be here with such glorious weather. There was a reason why we came here. Despite the fact that I believe Whitstable would be a lovely place to visit anyway, the day we were there happened to be on the day when the Oyster Festival was held. Lucky, lucky, lucky us!

Before getting into the festival itself, however, please remain patient and allow me to show you around Whitstable. 


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This was another spur of the moment decision. I was meeting a delegate from the University of Liverpool, to get to know our new officer in charge of the Taiwan market, and also to remind myself of the good old days in L'pool. It's always nice to meet someone from the Uni. I would never get tired of sharing my experience there with people. 

I met up with the delegate at the hotel she was staying at. Unfortunately, I did not know the neighbourhood so well. And judging from our special dietary requirement, our choices were a little limited. But seeing that we both eat seafood, Japanese food seemed like a good choice. We saw the sign to this restaurant from across the street where we were standing, and decided to have our meal there. 

I had left the office in a hurry the previous day, and did not realise until leaving that I had not brought home my camera with me. Thank goodness the camera on my phone takes rather decent pictures. 


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