If you are a JRR Tolkien or CS Lewis fan, you will, no doubt, have heard of this place before. Yes. The last stop we decided to make during our Oxford day trip was to make a pilgrimage to the place where the Inklings would have their regular meet ups.
托爾金(魔戒三部曲)迷或是CS路易斯(納尼亞傳奇)迷應該都會知道這個地方的。是的!牛津一日遊的最後一站,我們選擇來這裡朝聖。這裡就是The Inklings常常聚會的所在地!
Although there is no beer garden, there are two tables available for people who enjoy "fresh air" with their pints.
It's a small building, but not unexpectedly, the smallness creates it coziness.
A pint at the table where the Inklings used to sit... make every sip a literary gulp!
The Inklings were an informal literary discussion group of which JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis were memebers. Back in Liverpool, we used to have our own sessions at our campus pub The Cambridge. Sitting here makes me think of not just the two authors, but also my lovely course mates!
The Inklings是一個非正式的文學討論會。其中成員就有兩位大文豪托爾金與路易斯。想當初在利物浦時,每次上完課與同學相約於The Cambridge校園pub時,大概也是這種感覺吧!
This is proof that I am not just pulling your leg.