
09 01
拉德特立夫圖書館 - 牛津地標 Radcliffe Camera - landmark of Oxford.


For tourists and travellers, Oxford and Cambridge are like twins that fight over almost everything. Their similiarities make them like twins, but their competitiveness cannot go unnoticed. If you check out the annual university ranks, you'll see that they always take turns topping the chart. It makes you wonder: exactly what type of people (and with what king of fortune) brings them here to places like Oxford and Cambridge! To us, this place is like a million galaxies away. But I guess this is the exact reason that makes a city like this even more intriging.

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當天我們walking tour 的解說員。
Our very own guide for our walking tour.

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Look familiar?

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The guide said this is one of the place that made it into 'Harry Potter'. 

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當地人俗稱的Rad Cam,其實是一位John Radcliffe(威廉三世與瑪莉二世的御醫)所承諾要搭建的圖書館。在此,camera並不是英文中的"相機",而是法文"房間"的意思。[資料來源:維基]雖然沒有進去一探究竟,不過光從外觀看起來,就知道又是一座了不起的宏觀建築物。

Colloquially known as Rad Cam, this is a library built under the promise of on John Radcliffe, physician to William III and Mary II. According to Wikipedia, the 'camera' here does not refer to that gadget we use to take pictures, but rather, it's the French for 'room. Despite having only seen the exterior of the building, it's not hard to imagine how impressive it would be inside! 

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Walking tour帶我們經過一條小巷弄。裏頭有個有趣的蛋糕工廠。
Walking tour taking us through an alley with a cake factory.

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It happened to be graduation season.

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Knowing it's a graduation gown, I'll still pretend he's a wizard from Hogwarts admist muggles.

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This is not a random picture of any random pub. I didn't have a pint here either, but it does have its unique feature!

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On the walls are the ties of graduates from Oxford colleges.

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Logic Lane... Yes, this is definitely Oxford...

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