

Converting to a vegetarian or vegan diet does not mean that you will not be susceptible to e.coli or other bacterial infections that are more commonly found in meat and seafood.  I didn't put these vids here so that you could be discouraged from becoming a vegetarian or a vegan.  A veggie diet is healthier in many ways.  It is also considered man's natural diet by many advocates of vegetarianism.  However, these vids are here so that you can become more aware of the underlying dangers caused by the mishandling of raw veggies and fruit in restaurants and pre-packaged salads.

檸檬 Lemon

錯誤的食材處理法 Mishandled Food

沙拉裡的大腸桿菌 E. Coli in Salads

    創作者 天仙 (Celeste) 的頭像
    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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