University of Liverpool
Semester One
Shakespeare and Co. - two hours, fortnightly
Sir Philip Sydney -The Defence of Poesy
William Shakespeare - The Tempest
Ben Jonson - The Alchemist
'To the Memory of My Beloved, the Author Mr William Shakespeare', 'To the Reader' and 'To My Book' (both from Epigrams), 'On My First Son', 'To John Donne', 'Inviting a Friend to Supper', 'An Ode. To Himself', 'An Epistle Answering to One that Asked to be Sealed of the Tribe of Ben', 'To Penshurst', the 'Preface' or 'Prefatory Epistle' to Volpone, the 'Prologue' to Every Man in his Humour (which begins: 'Though need make many poets')
Christopher Marlowe - Doctor Faustus
William Shakespeare - Richard II
Christopher Marlowe - Edward II
William Shakespeare - Henry VIII or All Is True, Sir Thomas More
William Shakespeare - The Tragedy of King Lear or The History of King Lear
True Chronicle of King Leir
Nahum Tate - History of King Lear
William Shakespeare - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Thomas Kyd - The Spanish Tragedy
David Garrick - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Forms of Contest - one hour, weekly two hours, fortnightly
Sir Thomas Wyatt -'Caesar when that the traitor of Egypt', 'The long love that in my thought doth harbour', 'Whoso list to hunt', 'Was I never yet of your love grieved', 'Each man telleth me I change my most devise', 'If armorous faith, in heart unfeigned', 'Farewell love, and all the laws forever', 'My heart, 'I gave thee, not to do it pain', 'Some fowls there be', 'I find no peace', 'Though myself be bridled', 'My galley charged with forgetfulness', 'Ever mine hap', 'Like to these unmeasurable mountains', 'Unstable dream', 'You that in love find luck', 'If waker care', 'To rail or jest', 'Divers doth use', 'I abide and abide', 'Accused though I be', 'The pillars perished'
William Shakespeare - Sonnets 1, 5, 18, 20, 29, 30, 42, 57, 60, 65, 86, 87, 94, 104, 106, 116, 129, 130, 138, 144
Charlotte Smith - 'Sonnet Written at the Close of Spring', 'Sonnet Written in the Churchyard at Middleton in Sussex', 'Sonnet: the Sea View', 'Sonnet: On being cautioned against Walking on an Headland Overlooking the Sea, because it was Frequented by a Lunatic', 'To Hope', 'To Friendship', 'The Laplander', 'Written near a Port on a Dark Evening', 'To Fancy', The Gossamer', 'To the South Downs', 'To Melancholy'
William Lisle Bowles - First 14 sonnets
Edmund Spenser - 'The Shephearde's Calender'
John Milton - 'Lycidas'
Andrew Marvel - 'A Dialogue between Thyrsis and Dorinda', 'Ametas and Thestylis making Hay-Ropes', 'The Mower against Gardens', 'Damon the Mower', 'The Garden', 'The Nymph complaining for the Death of her Faun'
Alexander Pope - 'Pastorals', 'On Pastorals', 'A Discourse on Pastoral Poetry'
John Gay - 'The Shepherd's Week'
John Milton - Paradise Lost (Books 1, 2, and 6)
Alexander Pope - The Rape of the Lock
Robert Greene - Pandosto: The Triumph of Time
Horace Walpole - The Castle of Otranto
Contesting Worlds II: Science and Literature - two hours fortnightly
Stanton J. Linden -'Darke Hierogliphicks'
Robert Fludd - 'Mirror of the whole world of nature and the image of art'
Ben Jonson - Mercury vindicated from the alchemists at court, The Alchemist
John Donne - 'Love's Alchymie', 'Honour is so sublime perfection [to the Countesse of Bedford]', 'The Canonization', 'A nocturnall upon S. Lucies Day',
George Herbert - 'Easter', 'Man', 'The Elixir'
Henry Vaughan - ' Cock-crowing', 'The Starre', 'The Water-fall'
Edmund Spenser - The Faerie Queene (Book 3, canto 6, proem to Book 5, and the Mutabilitie Cantos)
Plato - extracts from 'Timaeus'
John Donne - 'First Anniversary'
John Milton - Paradise Lost
Francis Bacon - 'New Atlantis'
Jonathan Swift - Gulliver's Travels, Book III, Chapters 1-6
Margert Cavendish - The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World
John Arbuthnot and others - The Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus
Samuel Butler - 'The Elepahnt and the Moon, 'Will of a Virtuoso'
John Theophilus Desaguliers - The Newtonian System of the World, 'The Best Model of Government: An Allegorical Poem'
James Thomson - A Poem Sacred to the Memory of Sir Isaac Newton, extracts from 'The Seasons'
Semester Two
Shakespeare Restored - two hours fortnightly
William Shakespeare - Hamlet [Q1]
William Shakespeare - Titus Andronicus [Q1 & F1] & King Lear [Q1 & F1]
William Shakespeare - Pericles
William Shakespeare - Sonnets
Lewis Theobald - 'The Examnination and Correction of the Tragedy of Hamlet'
Samuel Johnson - Preface to 1765 edition of Shakespeare
Edward Capell - Introduction to 1767-8 edtion of Shakespeare
Edmund Malone - Preface to 1709 edition of Shakespeare
Contesting Authors - two hours fortnightly
Ben Jonson - The Poetaster
John Dryden - 'Mac Flecknoe', 'A Discourse Concerning the Original and Progress of Satire', 'Absalom and Achitophel', 'The Medall', 'Of Dramatic Poesy: An Essay'
Earl of Rochester - 'An Allusion to Horace, the Tenth Satyr of the First Book', 'Timon', 'A Satyr Against Reason and Mankind', 'My Lord All-Pride', 'An Epistolary Essay from M.G. to O.B. upon their Mutual Poems'
Alexander Pope - 'An Essay on Criticism', A Full and True Account of a Horrid and Barbarous Revenge by Poison, on the Body of Mr. Edmund Curll, and A Further Account of the most Deplorable Condition of Mr. Edmund Curll
Alexander Pope - The Dunciad Variorum; Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot
Jonathan Swift - A Modest Proposal
Contesting Worlds I: Writing Travel - two hours fortnightly
Sir Philip Sidney and the Earl of Essex - Letters on Travel
Roger Ascham - from Amazons, Savages, and Machiavels [ASM]
Francis Bacon - 'Of Travel' from ASM
The Gentlemen's Magazine: 'Of Traveling' - from Travel Writing 1700-1830 [TW]
Hurd's Dialogues on the Uses of Foreign Travel - from TW
Other related background readings on the Norton Topics Online
From [ASM]
Bartolome de Las Casas - 'A Briefe narration of the destruction of the Indies by the Spaniards' [ASM]
Walter Raleigh - 'The Discoverie of the Large, Rich and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana' [ASM]
Montaigne - 'Of the Canniballes' [ASM]
John Smith - 'The General Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: The Story of Pocahontas' [ASM]
Hakluyt - 'The Epistle Desicatorie in the First Edition, 1589' [ASM]
Shakespeare - The Tempest
James Cook - The Voyage of the Endeavour, The Voyage of the Resolution and Adventure, The Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery [TW]
Olaudah Equiano - The Intersting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano [TW]
Mary Prince - The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave [TW]
Dampier - A New Voyage Round the World [TW]
Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
George Sandys and William Lithgow - Reports
Edward Terry - A Voyage to East India
Mary Wortley Montague - Embassy Letters [TW]
William Jones - Essay on the Poetry of the Eastern Nations
Massinger - A Christian Turned Turk