As part of the International Students Welcome Event, the Guild and the International Support Team arranged a whole day of events. This is one I think most of the students have enjoyed, and found helpful - a bus tour around the city!
Buildings on Abercromby Square.
If you'll notice, the chimneys have little castle watch towers on them. I find them very interesting.
Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King
This is a Catholic Cathedral. As I said, the building stands tall amongst other buildings. Therefore, I frequently use it as the landmark that show me my way home to the dorm.
Again, if you'll notice, the top of the building is shaped like a crown. At night, there is a laser beem that shoots out directly towards the Anglican Cathedral.
Don't ask me where this is. I have already forgotten. But I assure you, you will see it again! Please, look carefully at it again, though. There is a pigeon standing on top of the statue. There are many pigeons here. I've been warned that I will grow to hate them. For now, though, I'm enjoying their company.
Some kind of museum.
This is downtown. A shopping area, which I will try to find again today. According to my friend, you can find HANGERS here. That big red banner on the right is an ad for an exhibition of a Liverpool FC legendary manager. The two things you'll never get enough of here: FOOTBALL & THE BEATLES.
This is the Anglican Cathedral I talked about earlier. Impressive building! Very colossal. I will come here again, definitely!
According to the Mexican girl who sat next to me during the ride, this is one of the places that you must visit while you're here. It looks fancy from the outside, doesn't it.
Like I said, you can't get enough of 'em. If you come to Liverpool, you'd better like the Beatles! Liverpool is also the European Capital of Culture this year. There are still a few more months left, and I hope to see more events before the end of the year!
Need I say more? This is the oldest China Town in Europe. But, when we walked through it yesterday afternoon, I was a little disappointed in finding that the street mainly consists of restaurants that only open during dinner hours. There is only one suppermarket. Well, 'suppose that'll have to suffice....
Penny Lane
Why rubbish bins? Well, there is a green and a blue. Why purple? According to our guide, it is because LFC is red, and Everton is blue. Purple is the color you get when you mix those two colors. I think it's gibberish, but it's kinda creative.
When we were on our way here, our guide, who happened to be a big time Beatles fan, made our whole bus sing YELLOW SUBMARINE.
快到這裡的時候,身為披頭四粉絲的導遊呢,強迫我們整車的人唱:YELLOW SUBMARINE...
The picture is a little blury, but you can see the flags. On the left, is the flag of Scotland, which represents the cross of the patron Saint of Scotland - Saint Andrews. In the center is the flag of Wales, and my friend Allyson can tell you all about it if you wish to know a little more about it. On the left, is the flag of not England, but Great Britain and also the United Kingdom, which also includes Northern Ireland.
左手邊的國旗是蘇格蘭國旗。中間的是威爾斯的國旗。右手邊的是大不列顛即北愛爾蘭聯合王國的國旗。所謂的Great Britain是指:英格蘭、蘇格蘭、即威爾斯。而UK才是也包含了北愛爾蘭喔!
You can see the Liverpool Cathedral from here.
These weird looking gadgets actually provide 10% of the energy needed by the arena standing by. I found that interesting.
You're falling in love with Liverpool too, aren't you?