Before you start preaching to me about how unhealthy it is to eat pre-cooked meals, I need you to understand a few points. First of all, I have a small appetite. Even if I can afford to eat out every night, it would still be a total waste of money because I probably won't be able to finish the whole meal. Second of all, I don't have a lot of quids to throw around, so I must try and make my own meals on a daily basis and save my money for special occasions. Thirdly, the vegetables here are so different from Asian vegetables, it will take me a really long time to try and figure out what I can do with them. Finally, pre-cooked foods are actually GOOD, meaning delicious, here. I'm sure you'll see what I mean once you see the pictures.
No complicated process of cooking. This delicious cannelloni is just a button away. How could I not be tempted?
Do you know how long I have waited to taste this? It is so delicious!
That's right. It is salmon in the picture. This is the only 'meat' I have been able to eat. And I will take advantage of this, because you can buy smoke salmon trimmings in Tesco, for only 88p! Squeeze some lemon, add some basil and oregano, and you have a plate of very healthy smoke salmon salad!
This was also very tasty. Unfortunately, I think I was tired that day. Or else, I would have added some fresh veggies.
Veggie Lasagne! 素食千層麵!
Seriously, this picture wouldn't be here if I didn't like it. It's delicious! And it's only microwave food!
This is not mircowave food, but still, packaged food. Just as bad, but! you actually have to cook it. It is better in some ways because it's a lot easier for me to add veggies into it. It's absolutely delicious!
This is for Fangorn: tortelloni 『起司餛飩』!哈哈... 旁邊是我自己炒的香菇蘆筍。
Well, just to wrap this up a bit, I would like to say that eating is definitely not a problem. In fact, I have enough reason to believe that I will actually be able to accummulate some fat during the year because I absolutely love the food here. Though I have still yet to figure out what to do with the veggies here, fruits are very easy to find. With that, and lots of water, and we must not forget the one-beer-a-day principle, I think it is going to be a deliciously healthy year, food wise.