在hostel跟我們住同一間房間的兩個女生說他們前一天去找哈利波特。他們找到了作者J.K. Rowling開始起筆的那家coffee shop,還說許多裡面角色的名字靈感都是從這裡來的。其實我跟我朋友早就預計要來好好參觀一下這個『墓地公園』。不過一聽到他們這麼一說,還真想來看看是不是真的有書本裡頭的角色的名字。
The two girls that shared the same room in the hostel told us that they went on a sort-of Harry Potter tour the day before. They found the coffee shop in which the author J.K. Rowling first started writing the story on napkins. When my friend and I passed by the day before, we had already made plans to come and take a closer look at this graveyard the next day. But having heard them say that Rowling had allegedly taken names from here, it made us want to visit it even more.
We came during the day. It was early in the morning, but there was no sun. If we had come after dark, I'll bet it would have been extremely frightening. But even during a cloudy day like this, it still looks a bit spooky, doesn't it?
Now, I would like you to guess whether nor not we had found any names that appeared in the Harry Potter series.
to be continued...