Apologies for the long wait. Here is the rest of my quest for signs of Harry Potter.
After walking around for a while, we were astonished by all the private lodgings surrounding the graveyard. If I were to live in one of those houses, I would not dare to look outside my window once it gets dark! However, there was another puzzling scene:
A hideaway of some homeless bloke??
左下角就是我們住的youth hostel.
The yellow lettering marks the youth hostel at which we stayed.
破碎的墓碑。A broken tombstone.
結果,答案是:沒找到.... [我找的很認真!!]
In the end, my quest proved fruitless..... [I searched very carefully!!]
However! I must include some other Harry Potter related photos, just so you wonderful readers will not accuse me of trickery.
這就是作者J.K. Rowling開始寫『哈利波特』的地方囉!據說剛開始Rowling是寫在餐巾紙上呢!當初她應該壓根沒想到這樣隨便寫寫會寫到七本吧!?
This is the place where J.K. Rowling gave birth to the Harry Potter series. Little did she know at the time she was scribbling on napkins that her little story would turn out to become a whole series!
Brief description on the window. Note the 10% Student Discount sign.
Thus ends my Harry Potter quest, but my Edinburgh trip doesn't quite end here.
天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
- Mar 05 Thu 2009 08:19
【愛丁堡】Grey Friars & Harry Potter 下