I can't remember how many pictures I made my camera take from the morning till the afternoon. Up to this point, it had begun to malfunction. It's also because before we reached here, we also went to the National Museum of Scotland, and Lord only knows how many pictures I took there! This is yet another part of my travel note that does not follow chronological order, and that is because there are way too many pictures of the museum that I have not yet figured out the best way to present them yet!
會回來到Royal Mile,是因為友人想要參加愛丁堡著名的ghost tour。如果有看過旅遊頻道的愛丁堡節目,應該會有印象節目內有介紹過。[因為我有印象在旅遊節目中看過]不過當時時間還沒到,就先來St. Giles' 晃晃。好巧不巧,抵達的時間他們已經要準備關門休息了。所以拍照拍的很匆忙,內部也沒時間多看兩眼。不過大家來這如果有多的時間,一定要好好的參觀一下。
St. Giles' 所屬蘇格蘭長老會的教堂。建築物的某些部份可以追朔到1124年。在1385年遇到一場大火之後被重建過。許多內部裝潢差不多都是在重建時期完成的。此教堂是貢獻給St. Giles, 痲瘋病患及殘障者的保護聖人。1
St. Giles' Cathedral is a Scottish Presbyterian chuch. Some of the oldest parts of the church dates back all the way to 1124. After a fire in 1385, the chuch was rebuilt. The majority of its interior was also constructed during this period of reconstruction. This church is dedicated to Saint Giles, the patron saint of lepers and cripples.1
終於,在吃完我人生第一次的fish and chips 之後,我們來到St. Giles附近的告示牌前等著ghost tour的導遊來收團費。其實我本來不是很想參加的,不是因為膽小,而是因為顧慮到經費的問題。不過因為我朋友實在很想參加,我最後還是妥協囉!其實來到愛丁堡之後你會發現有各式各樣的ghost tour。如何選擇呢?我們是靠直覺,因為來不及問人。如果你有興趣的話,我強力建議先到處打聽一下哪一家辦得最好!因為說實在的,ghost tour的價錢並不便宜唷!
Finally, after my first-ever fish and chips, we arrived at this strange advertisement area for all the ghost tours. At first I didn't really want to do this ghost tour, and it wasn't because I was afraid, but because I was considering my budget. However, my friend was keen on doing this tour, so I gave in eventually. When you come to Edinburgh, you'll find ads for all kinds of spooky tours everywhere. We chose through instinct. Well, that was because we didn't have any time to consult others. If you are interested, though, I strongly advise that you ask around before you decide which one would suit you best, because these tours are not cheap!
圖片中是我們當晚的導遊, Kenny。我們選擇的tour是地窖遊覽。其實還怪恐怖的。因為真的欲上好兄弟的話,根本沒處可逃耶!不過還好每一個梯次參加的人都還蠻多的唷。
That's our guide, Kenny, if I remember correctly. The tour we chose was a tour down the vaults of Edinburgh. It was spooky alright. There is absolutely nowhere to run or hide if you really run into something! But don't be afraid! Because you are not alone down there!
This is called an EMF detector. It is supposedly used to detect the presence of supernatural beings. Unfortunately for us, ours didn't seem to work, but for a split second, I felt as if I was a Ghostbuster!
在參加ghost tour的途中,如果走散了!後果請自行負責呦!地窖中的空氣不是很好。如果身體有不適,千萬不要逞強。要馬上告知導遊喔!
Be forewarned! Do not separate yourself from the rest of the group, or else! It is not well ventilated down in the vaults, therefore if you are suffering any kind of discomfort, you must notify the guide immediately! Don't try to be a hero/heroine.
The tour lasted for about an hour. Although I wouldn't call it
'cheap', it was certainly worth the experience. The tour is in
'Scottish' English. I cannot guarantee that you will definitely run
into something supernatural, but even if you don't, it's still fun to
hear stories in the vaults running under the city of Edinburgh, no?
註1 資料來源:Wikipedia
Note 1 Source: Wikipedia