

之前的 Egg Café一文中介紹的是店家的素食早餐。從第一次到那常過超美味的素食餐點之後至今大概還去過了四五次。這話說來也很奇怪。他的量都非常的多。每一次我都吃不完[除了早餐那次我有全部吃完之外],但只要每次去吃完以後的那兩三天,我的肚子都會像無底洞一樣怎麼吃都吃不飽。

朋友來訪不能不一起吃個飯。雖然在切斯特時已經一起用過餐,但Egg Café在利物浦的名聲真的不小。這可是連熱愛葷食的都會愛上的素食餐廳!來利物浦玩,我當然要大力推薦給好友來嚐嚐囉!

這裡的食物分類沒有分葷素。因為只有素食。但是有分'vegetarian' 和 'vegan'。如果你不吃蛋也不喝奶,那只要在menu上找個有'v'的標記就可以囉!沒有'v'的標記不是葷食,而是普通可能有蛋也可能有奶類的素食。

The last time I posted an article about Egg Café, I introduced their veggie breakfast.  Ever since my first visit there, I've been there about four or five times up till now.  The quantity is impressive.  I have rarely finished the whole thing.  On top of that, each time I eat there, I turn my tummy into an abyss for about a couple of days after.  It takes at least two days to return to my normal eating habit - three meals a day.

I couldn't allow my friend to leave Liverpool without visiting one of the most famous restaurants in the city.  Even though we had already dined together in Chester, there was not a chance that I would let her leave without eating a proper meal in a proper restaurant.  Plus, Egg Café is one of the most popular restaurants in town!  Even meat lovers cannot deny how delicious the food is here. 

There are two types of foods in Egg Café, 'vegetarian' and 'vegan'.  If you do not consume any milk products or eggs, then you need to look for meals with a 'v' sign next to it.  Here, the 'v' does not stand for 'vegetarian', but 'vegan'. 

Tandori Mushroom

這是知名印度/巴基斯坦料理tandori chicken改造為素食的tandori mushroom。有點小辣。不過我曾跟一群英國人來吃,這樣的辣他們已經招架不住了。呵呵!對習慣吃辣的我們來說,應該只能算是微辣而已喔。配餐都是固定的。有各式各樣的沙拉。主食配上pita bread,非常好吃喔!

This was what I had ordered that day - tandori mushroom.  It's a little spicy, relatively speaking.  For the locals, and other westerners, it might be very spicy.  However, for me and Asians in general, it's probably nothing.  It comes with salads and a yogurt dip.  My main dish goes very well with pita bread.

Soup of the day.


My friend had ordered soup-of-the-day and garlic bread.  I guess it must've been good, too, because she finished hers in no time.

Tandori mushroom大概是我在這裡最愛的一道菜。價錢合理,食物又美味。還沒看過早餐篇的文章歡迎翻舊文點閱喔!

I would say that tandori mushroom is my favorite dish here.  The price is extremely reasonable, and the food is very tasty.  If you have not yet seen the article on the veggie breakfast at Egg Café, you're welcome to help yourself to it by clicking the link below.

延伸閱讀:【食記】素食天堂 - Egg Café



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    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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