攝於Walker Art Gallery
'David Garrick as Richard III' by William Hogarth
目前已經來到課程尾端的開始。我覺得應該事實後來跟大家介紹一下我這偉大的老闆 - Michael Davies。他對我們激發的靈感比其他的教授帶給我們的還要多。他就像是個魔法師一樣,將整個課程都帶活了。如果這個課程是一齣戲,而我們是演員,那他則是一位不折不扣的最佳導演!
能夠有一個像Michael這樣的老闆,真的是我們這一群人前世修來的福氣。老闆指導的兩門莎老頭課程,是整個MA裡面我認為最有收穫、最快樂、但同時也最痛苦的兩門課。當我聽到以前上過他的課的學生提起他時, 他們的表情總是透露出『Michael是個傳奇人物!』甚至『Michael簡直就是神!』的表情。這點真的不難想像。從去年九月至今,每一次見面,他總是面帶著燦爛的微笑。如果有人遲到或甚至沒出現,他依舊面帶微笑。即使有人沒有交出不被評分的作業,他那微笑,也依舊不變。這就是他無敵樂觀的個性。而這是我們有些人要花一輩子去學習的態度!
"You must be Sandy!" he exclaimed upon the first meeting of our MA programme. I was astonished by the fact that he actually remembered my name. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so surprised, since we had been emailing each other for quite a while before I actually made it to Liverpool. But seeing that I had registered using my Chinese name, it was still quite an effort for him to link that name to Sandy. I cannot tell you how nervous, and excited, I was when I was waiting in front of his room with my newly met course mates, to meet him for the first time ever. I had no idea what to expect. My friend, Jen, had told me that he was a nice guy. Of course I took her word for it, but the thing is, you never know until you've actually met the person yourself.
Upon our first meeting, he showed us a picture of the painting in the picture above. He told us that the picture was a perfect summary of our MA - an 18th century editor/actor portraying Shakespeare's 'Richard III'. What else could best depict the MA of English Renaissance and 18th Century Literature?
The fact is, we all walked into the room feeling equally nervous, but by the time he spoke, and referred to each and every one of us by our first names, all of us felt at ease. He has the ability to do that. What we all love about him, is the way he is always capable of making you feel like you are the best there ever is in the world. Because of this magical power, when we sit in his tutorials, we all feel completely comfortable in discussing whatever thought we have in our minds. If he does not agree, you can 'feel' it, but he won't tell you straight in your face. If you are thinking in the wrong direction, he won't confront you and say, 'No, I don't think so.' He'd compliment your contribution to the discussion, then guide you to the right direction.
Every tutorial, he would start by asking how everyone is. Perhaps it seems trivial, but you have no idea how much this means to us and how much it helps to open the floor for the real discussion. Every tutorial, he'd trouble himself by bringing his kettle, tea, and mugs, so that we could have drinks in our hands in the middle of our two-hour session, and ease up our nerves for more discussions on the works.
We love him because he makes us feel special. We love him because he makes us feel that we are just as important as everyone else. We love him for his enthusiasm for what he does. We love him because he is wise and intelligent, yet still capable of maintaining his modesty and humility. We love him, simply because he is Micheal Davies.
As I arrive at the beginning of the end of this MA, I feel that it is time for me to finally introduce to you the director of our MA, who has inspired us more than any other tutor during the course of this programme. Somehow, he is like a magician. The MA would not be the same without him. If the MA is a play, and we the players, then he did one heck of a job directing us.
A decade ago, a teacher inspired me into exploring the literary world. She opened up my interest in this area by proving to me that I have the potential to contribute. A whole decade later, Michael once again serves as the same inspiration. One nod of approval means the world. When you approach him with an academic issue, he doesn't give you the answer straight away, but instead, guides you into searching for the answer on your own. During the process of brainstorming ideas for assessments, this may initially feel frustrating, but there is simply no better way of 'teaching'.
I pains me to think, that our final meeting had already been scheduled. We are to meet one final time on the 17th of September, the day we hand in our dissertation. Although this is only the beginning of the end of my MA, and I am in such a desperate mood of hoping I could get through my final pile of assessment by the beginning of June, I am already saddened by the fact that the MA is almost over.
We are all extremely luck to have Michael as our director. The Shakespeare modules with him were the most thought-provoking, informative, and enjoyable, though painful at certain points. I have heard his prior students speak of him, as if he were a legend, a deity. It would not be hard to imagine, as through out the course of our sessions, not once, had I ever see him put on an expression other than a smile. If people failed to show up, or failed to turn in unassessed works, he'd smile. That is how optimistic he is. And that's something some of us will take a whole life time to learn!
Thank you Michael, for being who you are.
MA in English Renaissance and 18th Century Literature
Micheal Davies