
I've been wanting to introduce you to the name of this blog for quite a while.  The only reasons why I have been thwarted from doing so were the fact that I've seemed to have something else to write about, or that I have not yet found the inspiration to do so.  'What's in a name?' as good-o Willy would say.  Well, it's important to me.  I saw Saphi writing about the name of her blog, thinking perhaps it's time for me to do this as well.


What is the 'Romantic Garden'?  Those of you who have followed me here from Celeste's Scrapblog would know, that the initial plan was to go to England and obtain a master's degree in English Romantic Literature.  It has always been the most attractive era to me.  Be it William Blake, William Wordsworth, or Percy Bysshe Shelley, they are more than just poets to me.

何謂Romantic Garden?我想從舊站[Celeste's Scrapblog]就認識我的人應該知道,原本要去英國念的就是English Romantic Literature。從剛開始接觸文學一直到現在對於浪漫時期的詩,總是無法抗拒。無論是William Blake、William Wordsworth、Percy Bysshe Shelley等,他們在我眼中都不只是單單的詩人。

One must read Blake's poetry in conjunction with his engravings to come to a full appreciation of his works.  Every little piece contains deep philosophy, compelling me to see Blake as a philosopher, artist, and poet at the same time.  The only thing that bothers me a bit, is the fact that he didn't seem to think very much of Wordsworth.  Well, although Wordsworth became less insistent upon his ideals as he became older, he is still my favorite poet laureate.  One of the reasons for choosing the University of Liverpool was also because it was extremely close to the Lake district, the place where Wordsworth lived with his sister, Dorothy, and friend, Coleridge.  It would be rather convenient to take a weekend excursion up there, wouldn't it!  On top of that, I've also discovered some similarities between Wordsworth and Lao-tzu.  I even spent two weeks researching and writing a paper discussing their similarities in order to show the school my ability to write a full-length essay1.

Blake的詩配上他親手製作的版畫,以及每一篇詩裡的哲學含意,使得我不得不將他列為我最愛的詩人之一。唯一的困擾是,Blake好像似乎不怎麼欣賞Wordsworth。雖然邁入老年後的Wordsworth不再像年輕時這麼堅持自己對於生命的理想,但不可否認的是他是我最喜歡的桂冠詩人。會選擇Liverpool這所學校,有一部份的原因其實也是因為他離Wordsworth與Coleridge當年所居住的湖區[Lake District]相當近。另外,我發現Wordsworth所嚮往的哲學與老子的道家思想相當類似。當初校方要求一篇約兩千字的essay時,我還花了兩個禮拜的時間初步研究了一下兩者的哲學理論1

My appreciation for Shelley began only recently.  The reason that got me into Shelley was his essay 'On Natural Diet'.  The essay is one of the best I have ever read concerning vegetarianism.  Also, he is closely related to four other famous literary figures: Mary Shelley[wife], Mary Wollstonecraft[mother-in-law], William Godwin[father-in-law], and Lord Byron[friend].

對於Shelley的崇拜,其實只是在最近才產生的。最主要會使我短期內對他的尊敬提升不少的原因是因為他寫了一篇我超愛的素食理論[On Natural Diet]。另外,他同時也跟另外四位文學界名人有非凡的關係呦![Mary Shelley的老公、Mary Wollstonecraft及William Godwin的女婿、Lord Byron的好友2]

These poets are not merely poets to me.  The simplicity and pastoral ideals that these Romantic poets pursue, are the exact ideals that I wish to pursue.  Although Shelley's the only one we know for sure that had been a vegetarian, I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out that Blake and Wordsworth, too, were vegetarians.


Perhaps some may think 'romantic' may mean that dreamy-frilly love type adjective.  Plus the fact that I have often identified myself as a typical Pisces, it wouldn't be at all unreasonable to make that assumption.  However, having read a few articles at random, you'll quickly discover that there is nothing 'romantic' about this blog.  At least, not in that sense.  If you have also read the article 'On Singleness', a prose which disparages marriage for marriage's sake, you're probably wondering why in the world would I call my blog 'romantic'.

是不是有人曾想過,本站所謂的'Romantic'是指那種粉紅夢幻類型的形容詞?再加上版主身為典型的雙魚座個性,我想若有人有這種想法,其實應該是很合理的。不過觀看本站一陣子就知道,我不僅不是普遍大家所想的那種浪漫,就連關於我愛你你愛我的那種文章我也很少在寫。何況,自己貼了一篇[On Singleness]提倡不要為結婚而結婚的這麼現實短文,真是搞不懂這版主到底浪漫在哪?

Well, now you know.

Romantic poets were mainly inspired by Nature.  Compared to other literary epochs, this is the one I adore most.  Because of all the flowers, trees, grass, and living beings, plus human beings living harmoniously with them all.  Thus I named this little blog 'garden'.  Imaging myself as a gardener, sowing seeds.  Perhaps some may also be inspired, by the flowers that blossom here.   No matter how trivial a matter, anything that triggers the slightest bit of inspiration, can be spread and signified here.  This is the essence of this blog. 


The Renaissance is yet another period of artistic development that attracts me.  Although my masters course will only deal with English literature, this fecund epoch may take a full lifetime to understand and appreciate! 


Though the area of research have changed, my passion for Romantic poets will not.  That is why, the blog continues to use the name 'The Romantic Garden'.  I try to disperse the philosophy and ideals of these poets to others, and in doing that, live closer to the ideal myself.


1. William Wordsworth and Lao-tzu: the Similarities between a Philosophical Poet and a Poetic Philosopher
2. Mary Shelley是Frankenstien[科學怪人]的作者。Mary Wollstonecraft有『女性主義之母』之稱。著名作品為The Vindication of the Rights of Women。被我視為每個女性必讀作品!William Godwin是一位提倡無政府論的政治性質作家。Lord Byron也是浪漫時期的詩人。著名作品為Don Juan[未完成]。

1. Shelley那篇"On Natural Diet" 雖然提倡的是嚴格無肉+無酒飲食[我愛海泥根啊!],但以文學的角度來看,寫的實在是很精彩!文內附上連結。有興趣的朋友們,請務必一定要給他一讀[give it a read]。
2.  看完這篇,各位部落格中的連結是否要改為義大利文版的【il Giardino Romantico】或維持英文版的【The Romantic Garden】就是看各位的喜好了。我沒意見。

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    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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