What happens when a group of enthusiastic, passionate, and outgoing ambassadors get together? Ever since our training session in February, we had not had another chance to meet and get to know each other better. Because we work at different hours, according to our respective schedules, and our work load also differs depending on the area of which we are in charge. That is why I never hesitate to agree to join any gatherings with the ambassadors. Unfortunately I had already missed one outing opportunity. Although I was fortunate enough to join the gathering this time, it was only after a tremendous amount of effort, that we were finally able to arrange this gathering.
A couple of weeks ago, we all received an email asking us all to go out for a barbeque. Then, we got another email saying that the weather didn't look too good, so arrangements might be made so that we would dine at a restaurant. I didn't mind, really, where we went or what we did, as long as we got a chance to sit down and socialise. Others didn't seem to be on the same line of thought. Forty-eight hours before our scheduled gathering time, people were still trying to figure out what restaurant to go to. Then, someone offered a venue at their church to carry out our usual barbeque plan.
The venue was quite a distance from campus. I sent off an email the night before, asking where and when to meet if we needed a lift. I waited till 12pm the next day, two hours prior to the set time of our meeting time, still no answer. Finally, I decided to call someone and find out. When I got to the halls of the other ambassadors, I realised that they had prepared some of their home cuisines to bring!
I didn't know how to react at first. If they had mentioned earlier, all of us could have helped prepare a little of our own cuisines and make a little contribution. But then I was so excited by the sight and the smell of their food that I didn't make any comments. When we finally arrived, another ambassador finally expressed what I also had in mind.
We were fortunate to have shelter in the dining area behind the church, but what do we do about the barbeque? The boys found a place behind the church to set up the barbeque, and finally, everything began to run smoothly.
All these people gathering around to light four barbeque sets...
None of these are for me...
Although it was originally planned as 'barbeque' for us ambassadors, somehow a whole lot of other people we had never even seen turned up. Most of them are family and friends of the staff, who are in a way, our employers. Only about ten of us were actually ambassadors. So, in the end, we were actually catering for this group of people, instead of merely filling our own tummies. This has to do with the general characteristic of 'ambassadors'. We don't worry about being hungry. We don't get upset about being given too much work. We worry about these people NOT having enough food. And our happiness is the result of satisfying other people.
Enough of that. Let's come and see some of the food that we prepared for the day:
A table full of delicous food.
奈及利亞美食- jallof rice。[IRRT代表 International Recruitment and Relations Team]
Nigerian cuisine - jallof rice. IRRT stands for International Recruitment and Relations Team.
Simply carrots and cabbage, but tastes great with a bit of mayo.
Barbeque chicken, amongst others...
Gambian cuisine.
Another Gamgian cuisine.
Indian cuisine.
Drinks to go with the food.
美食 & 一群不認識的人!哈!!
Delicious food, and a group of people we don't really know. Ha!
Although we didn't know half the people that showed up, it was a lot of fun. A lot of times I forget that there are also undergrads amongst us. Some of them are already preparing to head home. What a pity. I've only gotten to know you. However, the experience from being a student ambassador up to now, offers some of the most unique and unforgettable memories of my life here in the UK.