除了劇場表演知名度之外,RSC所出版的莎士比亞全集也是在文學界裡赫赫有名的版本。在台灣RSC版本的莎士比亞全集非常少見。比較常見到的版本為The Riverside Shakespeare,或是The Oxford Shakespeare。不同版本之間的差距可大也可小。非三言兩語既能解釋的清楚。若是買來珍藏,其實RSC的珍藏版屬最有質感的版本。
Other than their renouned theatrical performances, the RSC is also well-reputed for their excellent editions of complete Shakespeare. In Taiwan, you are not going to see the RSC edition very often. The Riverside Shakespeare and The Oxford Shakespeare are more popular. The differences between the different editions can vary insignificantly to dramatically. It isn't something that can be explained in a few sentences. I will spare you with the details, and tell you only this: if you fancy a Complete Shakespeare for your library, the RSC hardback, is probably your best choice.
Let's see what else there is.
Single plays.
Shakespeare's insults...
T-shirts and booklets.
'Et tu, Brute?'
Postcards with famous lines and engravings.
Shakespeare on pins.
2B or HB?
Ice cream during intermission.
Part I所張貼的照片是白天拍攝的招牌的另一面。這間黑天鵝pub,又名Dirty Duck,是在看完戲後必來小酌一杯的pub!因為在此你會見到辛苦在台上表演的演員們,他們真實的面貌。我與同學見他們進來時簡直是全程盯著他們看。不過他們應該也習慣了。雖然這次遇到的都不是太大咖的,不過也算是一種難得的經驗。
The photo you saw in Part I of this series, is the other side of the same board taken in daylight. The Black Swan, or also known as the Dirty Duck, is a pub you must visit after your theatrical retreat. This is where you get to see the cast, and what they are like in real life. When members of the cast first walked in, my course mate and I could not help but stare at them the whole way through. Hopefully, they'd be well used to that by now. Despite the fact that these aren't exactly your typical big-time actors and actresses, it was nonetheless an experience I'd remember for quite a long time.
延伸資訊:Royal Shakespeare Company